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70 organizations and 30 scientists call on politicians and authorities: Stop the logging of high conservation value forests in Sweden

18 Feb, 2020

Photo: Björn Mildh

Original press release by GFC member group Protect the Forest: Today, 70 organizations from 25 countries and 30 scientists send an open letter to Swedish Ministers, Members of the Swedish Parliament and authorities, demanding that all forests with high conservation values in Sweden should be protected and that clear-cutting forestry is phased out. The signatories write that decision makers need to act now to stop grave threats against the climate and forest biodiversity. The 70 organizations and the 30 scientists who …

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Remembering Ghanimat Azhdari

10 Jan, 2020

The Global Forest Coalition wishes to express our deep sorrow over the death of Ghanimat Azhdari, a dear friend and wonderful colleague, who was one of the many victims of…

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Remembering Peter deMarsh

13 Mar, 2019

Dear GFC friends, Yesterday we received the very sad news that our colleague Peter deMarsh, director of the International Forestry Family Association (IFFA), was one of the many people on…

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