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Urgent: We reject order that Gustavo Castro stay 30 days longer in Honduras

9 Mar, 2016

To the President of Honduras To the Supreme Court of Justice of Honduras We reject the Honduran Attorney General’s decision to prolong the migration alert that impedes human rights defender Gustavo Castro Soto from leaving Honduras for another thirty days. This decision is unjustified and unnecessary: Gustavo Castro, who was injured during the assassination of Berta Cáceres on March 3rd in La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras has provided sufficient information to the Attorney’s office to help clarify what took place. Additionally, …

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COP 21: Victorious Corporations

14 Dec, 2015

cop 21

By Miguel Lovera* Negotiations to solve climate change started 23 years ago. Ever since then, a trend towards commercializing the problems and the solutions started to be identifiable. More and…

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COP21: We have a Deal…

11 Dec, 2015

cop 21 we have a deal

By Souparna Lahiri   The negotiations are almost over. Governments, civil society, media, NGOs, INGOs, BINGOs have all come out with their demands, expectations and postures. A few caucus of…

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