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Sustainable Development Goals and Gender

8 Mar, 2017

This international Women’s Day, GFC joins in solidarity with partners and women’s groups to defend women’s rights and gender equality worldwide. We also acknowledge that with recent times women still have many reasons for marching and going on strike this week, especially considering the wave of regressive policy sweeping through the globe, denying women’s sexual and reproductive and other health rights, economic empowerment and vital roles in accessing and safeguarding the environment. This completely diverges from the ambitions and aims …

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National CCRI workshops held in Africa

22 Feb, 2017

By Kureeba David* The Global Forest Coalition, in partnership with host Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) institutions in selected countries, organised three national workshops on CCRI in Africa at the…

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Our land is worth more than carbon

15 Nov, 2016

land carbon

The Paris Agreement required the 196 Parties to the UN Climate Convention to limit temperature increases to 2° or 1.5°C below preindustrial levels. While COP21 benefitted from a high degree…

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