The big four drivers of deforestation: events in Bonn, May 2018

International workshop
Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 May 2018, Bonn
Deforestation is a key cause of climate change and significantly undermines the climate resilience of countries and communities. Just four key commodities – beef, soy, palm oil and wood (for bioenergy, paper and timber), are by far the leading cause of global deforestation and forest degradation. Beef is now recognised to be the worst deforesting culprit, and it is also a major cause of climate change. Soy production has been expanding as a result of its use in the livestock sector as animal feed, turning it to another leading cause of forest loss. The increasing demand for wood to be used in wood-based bioenergy or the paper industry, and the increasing demand for palm oil for biodiesel and food are leading to huge swathes of forest being replaced by monoculture plantations. Palm oil is second only to beef in its climate impacts and leading to serious deforestation in an increasing number of countries.
This workshop aims to deepen understanding and analysis of the role of beef, soy, wood and palm oil as drivers of forest loss, and the role that trade policies and agreements, and the corporate take-over of environmental policies, play in promoting the expansion and overconsumption of these commodities. It will look at the demands and alternatives proposed by rightsholders, including women, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, in key countries affected by these drivers. It will also provide a platform to exchange experiences and lessons learned from current and past campaigns addressing forest loss, and develop ideas for new approaches that are rights-based, socially just and holistic.
UNFCCC side event
Monday 7 May 2018, 15:00–16:30, room Berlin
The conclusions and recommendations from the “Addressing the big four drivers of deforestation” workshop will be presented at a side event at the UNFCCC negotiations, in Bonn.