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New Briefing Paper Highlights Dangers Of A Fraudulent Accounting Framework On Land Use To Potential Climate Agreement

16 Nov, 2015

15 Nov 2015: The Global Forest Coalition (GFC) [1] launched a new briefing paper [2] today, providing a critical overview of the problem of current carbon accounting rules in the land use and forests sector, under the acronym LULUCF [3]. These are creating loopholes for real emission cuts and will undermine any new climate agreement. The paper highlights that current carbon accounting rules are too flexible, confusing and allow several forms of cheating. In the case of the Kyoto protocol, …

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Fostering Community Conservation Conference Report

15 Nov, 2015

The Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) aims to provide community-determined, bottom-up policy advice on effective and appropriate forms of support for community-driven conservation and restoration initiatives, including indigenous peoples’ and…

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Community Conservation Resilience Initiative: Methodology

15 May, 2014

The Community Conservation Resilience Initiative was established by an informal alliance of national and international Indigenous Peoples’ organisations, nongovernmental organisations and social movements that shared a joint belief in community stewardship, governance and…

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