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Results for “geoengineering”

From Bangkok to Katowice: In whose interests are the climate negotiations?

Posted 1st September 2018 in News, Forests and Climate Change

by Souparna Lahiri, 2nd September, 2018 This week the negotiations over the Paris Rulebook and Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP) recommence in Bangkok. It reminds me of the 2009 Bangkok intersessional, in the run up to the Copenhagen Conference of the Parties (COP), where there was much expectation in the air and great mobilisations on the streets. Back then, the US and big developing countries including China and India crafted the Copenhagen Declaration, which demolished the Kyoto architecture of binding …

Roots Newsletter January 2018

Posted 6th January 2018 in Uncategorized

Looking to the year ahead with solidarity, strength and determination By Mary Louise Malig Best wishes for the New Year! As we forge ahead into 2018 we are looking forward to facing the new opportunities and challenges that lay ahead, together. This Roots issue looks back at the last quarter of 2017. GFC participated in and mobilised around numerous international fora in our efforts to defend the rights of forests peoples, Indigenous Peoples and communities. We targeted policy and funding …

The bittersweet results of the climate talks in Bonn

Posted 28th November 2017 in News, Forests and Climate Change

By Coraina de la Plaza* Another climate COP ended in the backdrop of extreme weather events worldwide – ravaging wildfires in Europe, massive hurricanes that devastated the Caribbean islands, record breaking floods in Asia, major droughts in Africa, just to name a few, causing the deaths and displacement of thousands. Many defined COP 23 as mainly technical or a “process COP”, but it was during this COP that many of the details had to be hammered out for the development …

UN institutions must comply with target to halt deforestation by 2020, say forest groups on International Day for Biological Diversity

Posted 22nd May 2016 in Forests and Climate Change, Defending Rights, Press releases, Supporting Community Conservation

May 22, 2016. On the International Day for Biological Diversity, and a day ahead of the United Nations Environment Assembly meeting in Nairobi, the Global Forest Coalition (GFC) [2] reminded [3] policy makers that halting deforestation by 2020, in line with target 15.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [4], and community-driven forest restoration, must become key priorities in dealing with climate change and biodiversity loss. Despite the UN’s historic pledge to halt deforestation by 2020 most countries and UN …

In the aftermath of the Paris Agreement, nature and humanity lose

Posted 17th May 2016 in News, Forests and Climate Change

Mary Louise Malig* The Paris Agreement has been signed in New York with much fanfare, a lot of shaking hands and patting each other on the back, and claims that “we did it” – that is, agreed a historic climate agreement that would save the planet from climate chaos. This week, government delegates and civil society are getting back to work in Bonn, in meetings of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 44), the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological …

COP 21: Victorious Corporations

Posted 14th December 2015 in News, Forests and Climate Change

By Miguel Lovera* Negotiations to solve climate change started 23 years ago. Ever since then, a trend towards commercializing the problems and the solutions started to be identifiable. More and more neoliberal tendencies that dominated developed country governments -and important developing ones too- took over all aspects and approaches to the problem. Suddenly, civil society also became swamped in the same bog, logged with noncommittal and denying language and flooded with false solutions. Paris FCCC/COP XXI was not an exception …

Biomyths: Bioenergy carbon neutrality myth is a time bomb under climate deal

Posted 8th December 2015 in Press releases, Forests and Climate Change

7th December: The Global Forest Coalition [1] has launched a new report at the Paris climate talks today titled “Biomyths, the Costly Carbon Scam of Bioenergy”. [2] The report exposes how large-scale bioenergy is being promoted as a replacement to some fossil fuels, based on what it calls the myth of its “carbon neutrality”. Download the full report (English): Biomyths – the costly carbon scam of bioenergy Download the Executive Summary: English, French, Spanish “Accepting that large-scale bioenergy can be carbon neutral will …

The Smooth Operators of Biodiversity Conservation

Posted 10th November 2015 in Supporting Community Conservation, News

By Simone Lovera* For those who are currently following the highly polarized and unproductive climate negotiations it might seem unbelievable, but there are still UN processes that succeed to agree on a reasonable amount of decisions during little more than 3 full negotiation days. The 19th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD-SBSTTA), which took place from 4 to 7 November in Montreal, even ended a little early, having adopted …

Fight for System Change Now! Why we need to build alternatives and dismantle a process that will lock us into another decade of burning the planet

Posted 1st September 2015 in Forests and Climate Change

[September 2015, Climate Space Statement, Español, Français] Download the PDF here Today, just few months before the 21st Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP21) in Paris in December 2015, we see with great foreboding that a very bad deal is coalescing. The consequences of the problematic UNFCCC process leading towards the Paris deal are incredibly grave. If the world is locked into another decade of burning the planet, there will be disastrous …

Maputo Declaration of African Civil Society on Climate Justice

Posted 20th May 2015 in News, Forests and Climate Change

GFC has signed on to the Maputo Declaration of African Civil Society on Climate Justice. Read full declaration here. Climate justice advocates, community peoples and mass movements’ representatives met in Maputo, Mozambique from 21-23 April 2015 to consider the roots, manifestations and impacts of climate change on Africa and to consider needed responses to the crises. At the end of the deliberations it was agreed that Africa is disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis although she has not significantly contributed …

Bioenergy and Forests

Posted 15th April 2015 in News, Forests and Climate Change

This editorial is part of Forest Cover issue nº47. If you want to read or download the rest of the articles please go to By Rachel Smolker, Biofuelwatch, USA Board member of the Global Forest Coalition Forests continue to be caught in the climate crosshairs. On the one hand, REDD and forest offsets are promoted as ‘protecting carbon sinks’, with the potential to create profits for carbon market players. On the other hand, subsidies and targets for renewable energy …

Forest Cover 47: Bioenergy Special Edition

Posted 30th March 2015 in Forest Cover, Defending Rights, Forests and Climate Change

Welcome to a brand new edition of Forest Cover, the Global Forest Coalition newsletter that provides a space for Southern and Northern environmental justice activists to present their views on international forest-related policies. We were happy to co-produce this special edition, which focuses on the impacts of wood-based bioenergy on forests and forest peoples, with our active member group Biofuelwatch. Download the print version to read on about bioenergy, forests, a summary of the international strategy meeting, a photo essay on impacts of unsustainable livestock farming and on wood-based bioenergy and a case on the Bukaleba Forest Reserve.

There will be no going back from the climate chaos if we don’t halt polluting corporations and change the system

Posted 9th June 2014 in Forests and Climate Change

Climate change negotiations are being dominated by irresponsible states, polluters and corporations that only care about current operations and the furtherance of profits through more fossil fuel exploitation and in new carbon markets which are destroying forests, soil, wetlands, rivers, mangroves and oceans, and financializing and privatizing ecosystems and nature itself on which our lives depend. This was more than evident in the last UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) in Warsaw, Poland where parallel to the climate negotiations there …

New Report spells out Potential Negative Impacts of Bioeconomy and Markets in Environmental Services on Women

Posted 12th June 2013 in Forests and Climate Change, Press releases

Bonn/Bogota, 12 June 2013 A new report [1] by the Global Forest Coalition [2] was launched at a side event on equity in climate mitigation policies organized by GenderCC at the climate talks in Bonn, Germany [3]. The report highlights the serious negative impacts that the proposed new ‘bioeconomy’ and existing markets in ‘environmental services’ could have on women around the world.

Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration requires Massive Quantities of Biomass

Posted 10th January 2013 in News, Forests and Climate Change

Biofuelwatch has completed a new report on yet another technology that requires massive quantities of biomass, “BECCS”, or “Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration. The idea behind BECCS is that bioenergy (here referring to any and all forms, from corn ethanol to burning wood for electricity) is “carbon neutral” and that capturing the carbon emissions and burying them underground would render the process “carbon negative”. As such, many are advocating BECCS as a good candidate technology for climate geoengineering. IPCC …

GFC’s intervention during REDD+ discussion at CBD’s COP11

Posted 10th October 2012 in News, Supporting Community Conservation, Forests and Climate Change

GFC: Thank you Madam chairperson for allowing me this opportunity to speak.

We share concerns that REDD+ might not necessarily contribute to biodiversity and that the discussion should focus on preventing potential negative impacts of REDD+ on biodiversity, Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women. However, from an international legal point of view, we are well aware that any recommendations of this Convention to the UNFCCC can only be in the form of non-binding advice. We also share the concerns highlighted by the delegate of Bolivia and note that the REDD+ discussions are taking place in an FCCC working group that has not yet concluded its work, so the advice is rather premature, especially in the light of the current dire state the FCCC negotiations, which also has significant impacts as far as the expectations for financial support for REDD are concerned. It is highly unlikely that REDD+ will end up to be the gold-spinner it was originally assumed to be.

In that light we are highly surprised by the unbalanced approach that has been taken towards the implementation of these decisions of the 10th COP of the CBD, and the implementation of the decisions that relate to forest policy in general. The draft decision on forest ecosystems has even been deleted from the package of draft decisions, and under agenda item 5.2 we only find a bracketed decision noting that the very important decisions of COP10 could not be implemented due to lack of funding. We see this as an indicator that the question of which COP decisions are being implemented and which not is more and more dependent on the willingness of donor countries and private sector donors to provide voluntary contributions, thus giving a disproportionate influence of these donors over biodiversity policy making.

We fully support the observation by Brazil that forest policy is much more than REDD+, and we thus call upon countries to ensure sufficient financial resources for forest policy in general, including the expanded program of work on forest biodiversity of the CBD itself, and we hope this will be discussed on Thursday, when the CBD is expected to discuss its own forest work program. It is clear the secretariat needs sufficient core budget to be able to implement all COP decisions in a balanced manner, including in the field of forests, where we feel that implementation of the decisions of COP9 and COP10, including the decision to contribute to the elaboration of appropriate forest definition that excludes monoculture tree plantations, should be a first priority of the CBD. Synergy between conventions is highly important, but this requires integrated approach to the implementation of the CBDs expanded program of work on forest biodiversity and any other forest-related policies rather than providing non-binding advice to non-binding safeguards.

Lastly, in the interest of time we would also like to briefly address agenda item 11.2 and express our support to the position of the CBD Alliance, which calls on Parties to Reaffirm and strengthen the de facto moratorium in 2010 by NOT permitting open-air geoeongineering experiments that impact biodiversity; and affirm that there is currently no transparent, global and effective regulatory structure for oversight of geoengineering activities, and the CBD is the appropriate body to oversee governance of geoengineering.

Thank you.

Simone Lovera
executive director
Global Forest Coalition

UN Intersessional Report: How will the Green Economy affect women?

Posted 9th April 2012 in Defending Rights, Supporting Community Conservation, Forests and Climate Change

(cross-posted) Keith Brunner from Gears of Change Youth Media Project reports back from the side event “Women’s critical perspectives on the ‘green economy” carried out during the  UN Rio+20 intercessional (March25-27) at the UN headquarters in New York. The “green economy” will be a shot in the arm for ailing global markets- a rush of new commodities and investment frontiers, packaged neatly within a UN mandate for “sustainable development.” But how will it affect those who are already the most marginalized? This …