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Results for “geoengineering”

¿Economía circular o círculo vicioso? Cómo la captura corporativa en la elaboración de políticas y de incentivos perversos promueve la deforestación

Posted 16th diciembre 2020 in Trade and other underlying causes of forest loss, Forest Cover, Unsustainable Livestock Production, recursos y publicaciones, Bosques y Cambio Climático

El nuevo número de nuestra serie de informes Cobertura Forestal analiza la captura corporativa de la elaboración de políticas gubernamentales y los incentivos perversos que dañan la biodiversidad, lo que constituye un ciclo que se retroalimenta. Incluye análisis de grupos miembros y aliados cercanos en nueve países sobre incentivos para la expansión de la ganadería insostenible, plantaciones comerciales de árboles, generación de bioenergía y otras industrias que impulsan la pérdida de bosques. Los ejemplos de América Latina, Europa, Asia y …

Cobertura Forestal 61: #OurNatureIsNotYourSolution, Día internacional de la biodiversidad

Posted 22nd mayo 2020 in Forest Cover, recursos y publicaciones, Supporting Community Conservation, Justicia de género y bosques, Bosques y Cambio Climático

Como parte de la campaña #OurNatureIsNotYourSolution (#NuestraNaturalezaNoEsSuSolucion), lanzamos esta edición especial de nuestra revista Cobertura Forestal, escrita en colaboración con nuestros grupos miembros. Esta edición pone de manifiesto cómo se está utilizando la popularidad de las SbN para impulsar compensaciones forestales, monocultivos de árboles y otras muchas soluciones falsas. Esta edición también proporciona ejemplos de soluciones reales de las que nuestros miembros en Colombia, Ghana, Nepal, Panamá, Paraguay y Sri Lanka son partícipes.

Descarrilar las negociaciones sobre los mecanismos de mercado: las soluciones falsas no traerán equidad ni justicia climática

Posted 13th junio 2019 in Noticias, Bosques y Cambio Climático

por Souparna Lahiri, Global Forest Coalition, India El resultado de la COP24 en Katowice el pasado diciembre fracasó en muchos aspectos, a pesar del “salto de victoria” del Secretario de Estado de Energía de Polonia (el presidente de la COP24). Pero de lo que los medios de comunicación se hicieron eco fue del fracaso de los gobiernos para ponerse de acuerdo en el texto del Artículo 6 del Acuerdo de Paris, el cual trata, entre otras cosas, sobre los mecanismos …

Feministas en UNEA4 continúan con el llamado por el derecho a un medio ambiente sano y sostenible

Posted 16th marzo 2019 in Defending Rights, Petitions and statements, Women2030, Justicia de género y bosques

En la 4ª Reunión de la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente en Nairobi, Kenia, los estados miembros aprobaron una resolución histórica para promover la igualdad de género y los derechos humanos así el empoderamiento de mujeres y niñas en gobernanza ambiental. Continuar leyendo en ingles… Reflecting on the outcomes of UNEA4, the Women’s Major Group offered the following statement: Feminists at UNEA4 Continue the Call for the Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment The conclusion …

Cobertura Forestal 57: 1.5 ° C desde la perspectiva de las comunidades

Posted 3rd diciembre 2018 in Forest Cover, recursos y publicaciones, Supporting Community Conservation, Bosques y Cambio Climático, Trade and other underlying causes of forest loss

Los gobiernos se reúnen una vez más en la COP sobre cambio climático, que tendrá lugar en Katowice, Polonia, y en este numero de Cobertura Forestal 57 se hace un análisis critico del último informe especial del IPCC sobre el calentamiento global de 1.5°C. Cobertura Forestal analiza lo que significa este objetivo desde la perspectiva de las comunidades y defiende la conservación comunitaria como una forma efectiva, segura y equitativa de eliminar el carbono de la atmósfera.

Las Instituciones de la ONU deben cumplir con la meta de detener la deforestación para el año 2020, dicen grupos forestales en el Día Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica

Posted 22nd mayo 2016 in Supporting Community Conservation, Bosques y Cambio Climático, Defending Rights, Press releases

Mayo 22, 2016. En el Día Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica, y un día antes de la reunión de la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente en Nairobi [1], la Coalición Mundial por los Bosques (GFC) [2] les recordó [3] a los responsables de las políticas que detener la deforestación en 2020, en línea con la meta 15.2 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) [4], y la restauración forestal impulsada por la comunidad, deben convertirse en …

Secuelas del Acuerdo de París: la naturaleza y la humanidad salen perdiendo

Posted 17th mayo 2016 in Noticias, Bosques y Cambio Climático

Mary Louise Malig[1] El Acuerdo de París se firmó en Nueva York con bombos y platillos, muchos apretones de manos y elogios mutuos, afirmando que “lo logramos” – es decir, logramos un acuerdo histórico sobre el clima que salvará al planeta del caos climático. Esta semana, los delegados de los gobiernos y la sociedad civil regresan a trabajar en Bonn, en las reuniones del Órgano Subsidiario de Ejecución (SBI 44), del Órgano de Asesoramiento Científico y Tecnológico (SBSTA 44), y …

COP 21: Victorious Corporations

Posted 14th diciembre 2015 in Noticias, Bosques y Cambio Climático

Negotiations to solve climate change started 23 years ago. Ever since then, a trend towards commercializing the problems and the solutions started to be identifiable. More and more neoliberal tendencies that dominated developed country governments -and important developing ones too- took over all aspects and approaches to the problem. Suddenly, civil society also became swamped in the same bog, logged with noncommittal and denying language and flooded with false solutions. Paris FCCC/COP XXI was not an exception to that tendency. …

El mito de la neutralidad del carbono de la bioenergía es una bomba bajo el acuerdo climático propuesto – nuevo reporte

Posted 8th diciembre 2015 in Press releases, Bosques y Cambio Climático

Martes 8 de diciembre, París: la Global Forest Coalition [1] lanza un nuevo informe en las conversaciones sobre el cambio climático en París titulada “Biomitos, la costosa estafa de la bioenergía del carbono“. [2] El informe expone cómo la bioenergía a gran escala está siendo promovida como un reemplazo para algunos combustibles fósiles, sobre la base de lo que se denomina el mito de la “neutralidad de carbono”. “Aceptar que la bioenergía a gran escala puede ser neutra en emisiones …

Los que “se las Saben Todas” de la Conservación de la Biodiversidad

Posted 10th noviembre 2015 in Noticias, Supporting Community Conservation

Simone Lovera Para aquellos que están actualmente siguiendo las negociaciones altamente polarizadas e improductivas sobre el clima podría parecer increíble, pero todavía hay procesos de la ONU que logran acordarse sobre una cantidad razonable de decisiones durante un poco más de 3 días completos de negociación. La 19ª reunión del Órgano Subsidiario de Asesoramiento Científico, Técnico y Tecnológico del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB-OSACTT), que tuvo lugar del 4 al 7 de Noviembre en Montreal, incluso terminó un poco …

Maputo Declaration of African Civil Society on Climate Justice

Posted 20th mayo 2015 in Noticias, Bosques y Cambio Climático

Climate justice advocates, community peoples and mass movements’ representatives met in Maputo, Mozambique from 21-23 April 2015 to consider the roots, manifestations and impacts of climate change on Africa and to consider needed responses to the crises. At the end of the deliberations it was agreed that Africa is disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis although she has not significantly contributed to the problem. The conference also noted that the climate crisis is systemic in nature and is a result …

Bioenergy and Forests

Posted 15th abril 2015 in Noticias, Bosques y Cambio Climático

This editorial is part of Forest Cover issue nº47. If you want to read or download the rest of the articles please go to By Rachel Smolker, Biofuelwatch, USA Board member of the Global Forest Coalition Forests continue to be caught in the climate crosshairs. On the one hand, REDD and forest offsets are promoted as ‘protecting carbon sinks’, with the potential to create profits for carbon market players. On the other hand, subsidies and targets for renewable energy …

New Report spells out Potential Negative Impacts of Bioeconomy and Markets in Environmental Services on Women

Posted 12th junio 2013 in Press releases, Bosques y Cambio Climático

Bonn/Bogota, 12 June 2013 A new report [1] by the Global Forest Coalition [2] was launched at a side event on equity in climate mitigation policies organized by GenderCC at the climate talks in Bonn, Germany [3]. The report highlights the serious negative impacts that the proposed new ‘bioeconomy’ and existing markets in ‘environmental services’ could have on women around the world.

Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration requires Massive Quantities of Biomass

Posted 10th enero 2013 in Bosques y Cambio Climático, Noticias

Biofuelwatch has completed a new report on yet another technology that requires massive quantities of biomass, “BECCS”, or “Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration. The idea behind BECCS is that bioenergy (here referring to any and all forms, from corn ethanol to burning wood for electricity) is “carbon neutral” and that capturing the carbon emissions and burying them underground would render the process “carbon negative”. As such, many are advocating BECCS as a good candidate technology for climate geoengineering. IPCC …

GFC’s intervention during REDD+ discussion at CBD’s COP11

Posted 10th octubre 2012 in Noticias, Supporting Community Conservation, Bosques y Cambio Climático

GFC: Thank you Madam chairperson for allowing me this opportunity to speak.

We share concerns that REDD+ might not necessarily contribute to biodiversity and that the discussion should focus on preventing potential negative impacts of REDD+ on biodiversity, Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women. However, from an international legal point of view, we are well aware that any recommendations of this Convention to the UNFCCC can only be in the form of non-binding advice. We also share the concerns highlighted by the delegate of Bolivia and note that the REDD+ discussions are taking place in an FCCC working group that has not yet concluded its work, so the advice is rather premature, especially in the light of the current dire state the FCCC negotiations, which also has significant impacts as far as the expectations for financial support for REDD are concerned. It is highly unlikely that REDD+ will end up to be the gold-spinner it was originally assumed to be.

In that light we are highly surprised by the unbalanced approach that has been taken towards the implementation of these decisions of the 10th COP of the CBD, and the implementation of the decisions that relate to forest policy in general. The draft decision on forest ecosystems has even been deleted from the package of draft decisions, and under agenda item 5.2 we only find a bracketed decision noting that the very important decisions of COP10 could not be implemented due to lack of funding. We see this as an indicator that the question of which COP decisions are being implemented and which not is more and more dependent on the willingness of donor countries and private sector donors to provide voluntary contributions, thus giving a disproportionate influence of these donors over biodiversity policy making.

We fully support the observation by Brazil that forest policy is much more than REDD+, and we thus call upon countries to ensure sufficient financial resources for forest policy in general, including the expanded program of work on forest biodiversity of the CBD itself, and we hope this will be discussed on Thursday, when the CBD is expected to discuss its own forest work program. It is clear the secretariat needs sufficient core budget to be able to implement all COP decisions in a balanced manner, including in the field of forests, where we feel that implementation of the decisions of COP9 and COP10, including the decision to contribute to the elaboration of appropriate forest definition that excludes monoculture tree plantations, should be a first priority of the CBD. Synergy between conventions is highly important, but this requires integrated approach to the implementation of the CBDs expanded program of work on forest biodiversity and any other forest-related policies rather than providing non-binding advice to non-binding safeguards.

Lastly, in the interest of time we would also like to briefly address agenda item 11.2 and express our support to the position of the CBD Alliance, which calls on Parties to Reaffirm and strengthen the de facto moratorium in 2010 by NOT permitting open-air geoeongineering experiments that impact biodiversity; and affirm that there is currently no transparent, global and effective regulatory structure for oversight of geoengineering activities, and the CBD is the appropriate body to oversee governance of geoengineering.

Thank you.

Simone Lovera
executive director
Global Forest Coalition

UN Intersessional Report: How will the Green Economy affect women?

Posted 9th abril 2012 in Bosques y Cambio Climático, Defending Rights, Supporting Community Conservation

(cross-posted) Keith Brunner from Gears of Change Youth Media Project reports back from the side event “Women’s critical perspectives on the ‘green economy” carried out during the  UN Rio+20 intercessional (March25-27) at the UN headquarters in New York. The “green economy” will be a shot in the arm for ailing global markets- a rush of new commodities and investment frontiers, packaged neatly within a UN mandate for “sustainable development.” But how will it affect those who are already the most marginalized? This …

La Vía Campesina demands environmental and social justice, and respect for Mother Earth at the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 16)

Posted 10th diciembre 2010 in Noticias, Bosques y Cambio Climático

Españoles debajo Via Campesina Declaration in Cancún No agreement is better than a bad agreement: The people hold thousands of solutions in their hands Global Forum for Life, Environmental and Social Justice (December 4-10, 2010) (Photos, videos, news at Members of La Vía Campesina from more than thirty countries from all over the world united our thousands of struggles in Cancun to demand environmental and social justice, and respect for Mother Earth at the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP …