Results for “geoengineering”
UN Intersessional Report: How will the Green Economy affect women?
(cross-posted) Keith Brunner from Gears of Change Youth Media Project reports back from the side event “Women’s critical perspectives on the ‘green economy” carried out during the UN Rio+20 intercessional (March25-27) at the UN headquarters in New York. The “green economy” will be a shot in the arm for ailing global markets- a rush of new commodities and investment frontiers, packaged neatly within a UN mandate for “sustainable development.” But how will it affect those who are already the most marginalized? This …
La Vía Campesina demands environmental and social justice, and respect for Mother Earth at the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 16)
Españoles debajo Via Campesina Declaration in Cancún No agreement is better than a bad agreement: The people hold thousands of solutions in their hands Global Forum for Life, Environmental and Social Justice (December 4-10, 2010) (Photos, videos, news at Members of La Vía Campesina from more than thirty countries from all over the world united our thousands of struggles in Cancun to demand environmental and social justice, and respect for Mother Earth at the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP …
International Day of Action for Climate Justice
Press release – La Via Campesina See the full list of actions around the world (Cancun, 7 December 2010) Thousands of people affected by and concerned for the destruction of the environment, farmers, landless peasants, indigenous people and activists of all social sectors will take to the streets in Cancun as well as in other parts of the world as part of La Via Campesina’s Global Day of Action for Climate Justice on December 7. This march which will …
Thousand solutions to climate change!
The people create thousands of solutions to confront climate change! Thousands of Cancuns for climate justice! La Via Campesina calls on social movements and all people to mobilize around the world.
Forêts et Changement Climatique
Notre campagne sur les forêts, les arbres et le changement climatique s’oppose à la prise de contrôle des forêts, de la biodiversité et des processus politiques sur le climat à différents niveaux par les entreprises. Elle met également en lumière les différentes causes de la déforestation et de la transformation de terres en plantations d’arbres en monoculture, cette dernière ayant surgi lors du contexte d’atténuation climatique suite à l’Accord de Paris. Ceci inclut : La production de bioénergie et de …