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Results for “geoengineering”

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Historical Deal for Biodiversity

Posted 10th January 2023 in Forests and Climate Change, Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure

By Simone Lovera, published 29 December 2022 by Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung In German – Auf Deutsch lesen / In Russian – Читать на русском It was an awkward incident: right at the moment that the Chinese environment minister serving as chairman of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD COP15) wanted to adopt what has been touted as the “Paris Agreement of biodiversity”, the representative of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) asked for the floor …

Press conference: Billionaires versus Biodiversity: Is the CBD the New Twitter?

15 November at 16:00 Montreal — As high-level delegates arrive in Montreal for negotiations on the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), join experts from the CBD Alliance, the coalition of critical NGOs in the Convention, who will react on the biodiversity funding pledge that the Bezos Earth Fund is expected to announce, and present an overview and status update on negotiations on resource mobilization and the proposed Global Biodiversity Fund. Why is resource mobilization so important and what are the chief …

Climate Change and Corporate Capture versus Rights and Governance

A double side event organized by the CBD Alliance during CBD COP15 in Montreal, Canada 8 December, Conference Space, 18:00 – 21:00 Program: Climate and biodiversity and the risks of false solutions 18:00 – 19:30 Facilitator: Ana Di Pangracio, FARN, Argentina  Handaine Mohammed, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee: Indigenous Peoples rights in COP27 and COP15 (tbc)  Nele Marien, Friends of the Earth International: How market-based solutions undermine both climate and biodiversity policy  Souparna Lahiri, Global Forest …

COP27 Peoples’ Declaration for Climate Justice

Posted 18th November 2022 in News, Forests and Climate Change, UNFCCC

17 November 2022, Sharm El Sheikh–Hundreds of climate activists, Indigenous representatives, human rights activists, environmental defenders, workers and feminist groups gathered today for the People’s Plenary at COP27. They signed a People’s Declaration for Climate Justice that includes demands to decolonize economies and societies, repay climate debt, and address global warming by reducing emissions to zero by 2030. The statement ends with a call for the release of the imprisoned Egyptian activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah and all other political prisoners. …

The Global Forest Coalition at COP27

Posted 15th November 2022 in Forests and Climate Change, UNFCCC

The Global Forest Coalition is present in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, for COP27 (November 6-18, 2022). We have 11 spokespersons on the ground and will speak at 8 events, where we will advocate for real solutions to the climate crisis. Here are all the details on what we’re up to!   Press conference 17 November PRESS CONFERENCE: HOME Alliance says no to ‘removals’ and geoengineering in UNFCCC Article 6.4   Event on 16 November Carbon Markets: A Barrier to Real …

STATEMENT: Africa is crying, our forest, our life!

Posted 12th November 2022 in [:en]1Campaigns[:], Forests and Climate Change, Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure

Africa is crying, our forest, our life! Get up, stand up for a collective struggle against the expansion of extractivism By Kwami Kpondzo The time has come to free Africa from fossil fuels expansion and the burden of the climate crisis. Africa remains asphyxiated because of the persistence of climate change effects. The continent is being cooked by a rapid rise in temperature. The Working Group I report of IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), which will be published next year, …

The End of False Solutions: Moving Towards Rights-Based and Gender Transformative Solutions to Climate Change

Posted 3rd November 2022 in Resources and publications, Forests and Climate Change, Forest Cover

False solutions to climate change are being increasingly called out and rejected by communities around the world. Real solutions that are rights-based and gender-transformative do exist, and they are the only way to prevent catastrophic global temperature rise. Policy-makers on forests and climate change must take these real solutions into account. Find out more in the latest issue of Forest Cover. Forest Cover 68 provides context on the difficult journey to achieving climate justice and the context in which GFC …

New GFC report shines a spotlight on devastating impacts of false climate solutions 

Posted 3rd November 2022 in News, Press releases, Forests and Climate Change

International Community Must End Greenwashing and Ensure Rights-Based, Gendered Response to Climate Crisis November 3, 2022, UTRECHT—The international community must reject false climate solutions including carbon offsetting and burning of forest biomass, and ensure a rights-based, gendered response to the climate crisis if we are to have any chance of reigning in rising global temperatures, the Global Forest Coalition said as government officials and civil society leaders prepare to gather in Sharm el-Sheikh for the United Nations’ COP27 climate conference next …

The Net Zero Files: How greenwash is being used to reduce climate ambition

Posted 6th October 2021 in Press releases, Resources and publications, Forests and Climate Change

CLARA LAUNCHES THE NET ZERO FILES Earth is finite, nature is finite, and the carbon-holding capacity of nature is finite. The Net Zero Files, 18 concise briefings which call out bad Net Zero commitments and put the focus back on deep decarbonization, were launched this week by the Climate, Land, Ambition, and Rights Alliance (CLARA) at and on Twitter @NetZeroFiles. The remaining carbon budget to keep atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases below critical temperature thresholds is very limited. Yet these limitations are …

Corporate contagion: How the private sector is capturing the UN Food, Biodiversity and Climate Summits

Posted 21st May 2021 in Unsustainable Livestock Production, Resources and publications, Forests and Climate Change

Three big United Nations summits are coming up on food, biodiversity and the climate, and the private sector is poised to have a major influence at all of them, making 2021 a key year for the corporate takeover of multilateral processes. With civil society participation in these summits limited by the COVID-19 pandemic, several extremely harmful policy outcomes are being cooked up. If corporations have their way, these summits will protect business interests over urgent and effective action on food …

Economia circular ou círculo vicioso? Como a captura corporativa na elaboração de políticas e de incentivos perversos leva ao desmatamento

Posted 21st January 2021 in Resources and publications

O novo relatório em nossa série Forest Cover analisa o ciclo de auto-reforço da captura corporativa de políticas e os incentivos perversos que prejudicam a biodiversidade. Inclui análises por grupos membros e aliados em nove países diferentes sobre incentivos para a expansão da pecuária insustentável, as plantações comerciais de árvores, a geração de bioenergia e outras indústrias que levam à perda de florestas. Exemplos da América Latina, Europa, Ásia e África mostram como esses incentivos estão enraizados devido à captura …

Circular economy or vicious cycle? How corporate capture of policy-making and perverse incentives are driving deforestation

Posted 16th December 2020 in Forest Cover, Unsustainable Livestock Production, Resources and publications, Forests and Climate Change, Trade and other underlying causes of forest loss

Our new report in our Forest Cover series analyzes the self-reinforcing cycle of the corporate capture of government policy-making and perverse incentives that harm biodiversity. It includes analysis by member groups and close allies in nine different countries on incentives for the expansion of unsustainable livestock farming, commercial tree plantations, bioenergy generation and other industries driving forest loss. Examples from Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa show how entrenched these incentives are due to the corporate capture of decision-making both …

Forest Cover 61: #OurNatureIsNotYourSolution, International Day for Biological Diversity

Posted 22nd May 2020 in Resources and publications, Supporting Community Conservation, Gender Justice and Forests, Forests and Climate Change, Forest Cover

As part of the #OurNatureIsNotYourSolution campaign we’re launching this special edition of our magazine Forest Cover, written in collaboration with our member groups. Forest Cover highlights how hype around NBS is being used as cover for pushing forest offsets, monoculture tree plantations and other false solutions, and also provides examples of the real solutions that our members in Colombia, Ghana, Nepal, Panama, Paraguay and Sri Lanka are engaged in.

Derail negotiations on market mechanisms: false solutions will not bring equity and climate justice

Posted 13th June 2019 in News, Forests and Climate Change

by Souparna Lahiri, Global Forest Coalition, India The outcome of COP24 in Katowice last December failed on many counts, despite the “victory leap“ of the Polish Secretary of State for Energy (COP24’s president-designate). But what made front page news was the failure of governments to agree to a text on Article 6, which deals with market-based mechanisms in the Paris Agreement. We know why it failed, and what the primary barriers to achieving consensus were: Double counting: Basically cheating by …

Feminists at UNEA4 Continue the Call for the Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment

Posted 16th March 2019 in Defending Rights, Petitions and statements, Women2030, Gender Justice and Forests

Reflecting on the outcomes of the 4th Meeting of the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya (UNEA-4), the Women’s Major Group offered the following statement: Nairobi, Kenya. The conclusion of UNEA-4 saw a landmark resolution to promote gender equality and the human rights and empowerment of women and girls in environmental governance. The Women’s Major Group welcomes the commitment to strengthen the gender dimension of environmental policy and the resolution’s recognition of the importance of protecting human rights. We …

Forest Cover 57 – 1.5°C from a community perspective

Posted 3rd December 2018 in Resources and publications, Supporting Community Conservation, Forests and Climate Change, Trade and other underlying causes of forest loss, Forest Cover

As governments congregate once more for a climate COP, this time in Katowice, Poland, Forest Cover 57 looks critically at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s latest assessment report on 1.5°C of global warming. It analyses what such a target means from a community perspective and makes the case for community conservation as an effective, safe and equitable way of removing carbon from the atmosphere. Through participatory community assessments, the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) has shown how rights-based approaches to conservation and forest restoration work in practice, and can be used as a model for global efforts to fight climate change. This issue makes the case that there are community-based, gender responsive alternatives to the technological, corporate-controlled pathways that the IPCC and UNFCCC are leading the world towards.

Fire and Plantations in Portugal: A case study on the risks of using tree plantations to remove carbon from the atmosphere

Posted 28th September 2018 in News, Resources and publications, Forests and Climate Change

We are pleased to share the following piece originally published in Science for the People, a recently revitalized organization of activists and scientists that published a bimonthly magazine from 1969 to 1989. This essay is part of a special issue on geoengineering in the lead up to the official relaunch of the publication, slated for early 2019. You can read the rest of the collection at Science for the People’s website or become a Patreon donor to receive a printable …