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Genetically Engineered Trees


Social Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation: Women and the Bioeconomy

Increasing the Gender Gap: the Impacts of the Bioeconomy and Markets in Environmental Services on Women

The Bioeconomy Blessing or Curse for Climate Change?

Contradictions in the Bioeconomy and the Importance of Biocultural Protocols

The Bioeconomy: Risk to Food Security, Biodiversity and the Climate

Potential Impacts on Women from the Proposed Expansion of the ‘Bioeconomy’ and the Need for Appropriate Support for Sustainable Initiatives



Non-market based approaches to Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation-SBSTA 38 GFC Side-event

Can PES secure livelihoods and ecosystems?- SBSTA 38 GFC Side-event

Why Implementation of the CBD is not Working and REDD in Bangladesh

Exploring the Road to REDD in India

Underlying Causes of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Indonesia – Can REDD become a Solution?

Potential Impacts on Vulnerable Communities from the Proposed Expansion of the ‘Bioeconomy

Community Perspective in REDD Mechanism – Nepal

Ecotourism as  Market-based Conservation Scheme – India

Jungles, Conservation & REDD

Biodiversity Conservation Efforts: Challenges, Realities & Potentialities – Nepal

REDD Realities – Paraguay

REDD & Indigenous People’s Rights -Nepal

REDD: The Gap between the REDD Dreams and the Real Life – The Uganda Case

REDD in the Pacific, Workshop – Cochabamba

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries

Incentives to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries and their Impacts on Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and Women

Road map for Safeguarding Indigenous Rights in EU REDD Policy and Proposals

The Hottest REDD Issues: Rights, Equity, Development, Deforestation and Governance by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

REDD versus People: The impact of REDD and other Market Mechanisms on Women



The Assault of Biomass Energy

Developments of Wood-based Bioenergy in the Netherlands and EU

Impacts of Large Scale Plantations in Brazil

GE Trees and Woodbased Bioenergy

Free Trade and Climate Change

Impact of Bio-energy Production on Indigenous Peoples and Alternative Approaches for Climate Change Mitigation 



Eat Fuel: Biofuels in Asia  

Biofuel Certification Schemes

European Committee for Standardization’s Initiative for Sustainability Criteria for Biomass, CEN/TC383

Impacts of Soy Monoculture in Paraguay 1

Impacts of Soy Monoculture in Paraguay 2

Oil Palm Plantations in Indonesia 1

Oil Palm Plantations in Indonesia 2

The Agrofuel Plantation Horror show (part 1)

The Agrofuel Plantation Horror show (part 2)



The Boreal Forest of Sweden (In swedish)

Tree Plantations in Paraguay and the Role of False Solutions to Climate Change

Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: Experiences of Pastoralists of Africa

Climate Change and Biodiversity : The New Wave of Colonization for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Payment for Environmental Services (PES) and Indigenous Peoples: The Impacts of Market-based Biodiversity Conservation on Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and Women

Forests: You Cannot Save Them if you Cannot Sell Them? Payment for Environmental Services (PES)

Worldbank: Climate Profiteer

Reducing Deforestation and the Climate Regime: Proposals, Complications and Questions

The Incredible and Sad Story of the Innocent Stevia and her Heartless Exploiters –  Kaa he’e, the theft of Paraguayan traditional knowledge regarding the zero-calorie natural sweetener Stevia by Coca-Cola and Cargill

Trading biodiversity : Life for Sale! Are Markets the Panacea for Biodiversity Conservation?

Ecotourism… Sustainable Enough?

Protected Areas Aotearoa: The Reality of Maori Land

The SAN-CSIR ABS Agreement: Lessons for the Future

International Regime on Access and Benefit Sharing (how they promote biopiracy)

Introduction to the FCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and Carbon Trade

The Big Business -as-Usual Fraud

Carbon Trade and its impact on Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples

An Illusive story on Tribal Development (part 1)

An Illusive story on Tribal Development (part 2)

Climate Change: Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation – in the Pacific (The Liquid Continent)

Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: From Bali to New York