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Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration requires Massive Quantities of Biomass

10 Jan, 2013

Biofuelwatch has completed a new report on yet another technology that requires massive quantities of biomass, “BECCS”, or “Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration. The idea behind BECCS is that bioenergy (here referring to any and all forms, from corn ethanol to burning wood for electricity) is “carbon neutral” and that capturing the carbon emissions and burying them underground would render the process “carbon negative”. As such, many are advocating BECCS as a good candidate technology for climate geoengineering. IPCC …

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Biofuels: Is the CBD asleep at the wheel?

15 Oct, 2012

Rachel Smolker, Energy Justice Network COP11’s draft decision on impacts of biofuels on biodiversity, as discussed on Thursday, is remarkably meek in its recommendations on the issue of biodiversity impacts…

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