Brazil beef scandal highlights dangers of industrial livestock farming
By Robert Soutar, Cristina Veiga Chinese demand is driving beef production in Brazil but producers have been found selling contaminated meat. Read the original article here
By Robert Soutar, Cristina Veiga Chinese demand is driving beef production in Brazil but producers have been found selling contaminated meat. Read the original article here
By Betty Richardson The human connection with beef is one that has served our kind well. According to primatologists, the fundamental separator between humans and our closest genetic neighbors, the…
This blog was originally published on Photo credit: Jason Taylor for Friends of the Earth International, 2013. CC License. Critical Information Collective. Brazil’s recent rotten meat scandal once again…
A cuarenta y seis ONG ecologistas y de ayuda al desarrollo no les ha sentado nada bien que la FAO haya dedicado hoy el Día Internacional de los Bosques a…
46 organizaciones europeas, entre ellas Ecologistas en Acción, firman una carta dirigida a la FAO en rechazo a su campaña sobre el Día Mundial de los Bosques, que promociona la…
– Hoy se celebra el Día Internacional de los Bosques MADRID, 21 (SERVIMEDIA) Un total de 46 ONG y alianzas europeas han enviado una carta al director general y al…
El organismo de la ONU sobre alimentación conmociona al planeta al señalar a los bosques como “fuente de energía natural”. Medio centenar de organizaciones le reclaman que “deje de legitimar…
March 20, 2017: The UNFAO’s “Forests and Energy” theme for this year’s International Day of Forests on March 21 misleadingly promotes bioenergy from burning wood from forests as well as…
On 21 March, the International Day of Forests, 200 organizations have petitioned the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) stating that its forest definition dating back to 1948 is “misleading”…
By Tildy Bayar Environmental groups this week urged the United Nations to consider the ‘serious negative impacts’ of using biomass for energy. In a letter sent to the director-general of…
Every year, 21st March is celebrated as the International Day of Forests, so designated by the United Nations to highlight the importance of forests. This year, the Food and Agriculture…
This blog was originally published on By Souparna Lahiri* Every year, 21st March is celebrated as the International Day of Forests, so designated by the United Nations to highlight…
March 20, 2017: The UNFAO’s [1] “Forests and Energy” theme for this year’s International Day of Forests on March 21 [2] misleadingly promotes bioenergy from burning wood from forests as…
La anticuada definición de bosques de la FAO ha permitido que, detrás de una imagen positiva, las industrias de la madera, la celulosa, el papel y el empaquetado oculten los…
Isidro Baldenegro tenía 51 años. Era un activista indígena mexicano. El jueves 12 de enero del presente año fue a la comunidad de Coloradas La Virgen. Una tía suya estaba…
Since June 2016, the European Central Bank (ECB) has injected around 67 billion euro into the Eurozone economy to fund corporate bond purchases. This is part of a money creation…
In Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador disputes over water shortages are part of a wider fight for equal access and shared responsibility… Read the original article here.