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Women’s Intervention at the High Level Segment at CDB-COP11

17 oct., 2012

Honorable Primer Minister, distinguished delegates, colleagues Speaking on behalf of the women’s caucus Twenty years ago, Principle 20 of the Rio Declaration highlighted that “women have a vital role in environmental management and development. Their full participation is therefore essential to achieve sustainable development” Today in Hyderabad we urge parties and the COP Presidency to remember this principle and to recognize that they are in a unique position to pursue transformative implementation where women are recognized as crucial stakeholders and …

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GFC’s Biofuels Statement at COP11

12 oct., 2012

Thank you chair, I am speaking on behalf of Biofuelwatch, EcoNexus, Timberwatch and other NGO members of the Global Forest Coalition. There is now significant scientific evidence of direct and…

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