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Activist Groups Denounce Bio-economy and Sustainable Biomass Myth on International Day against Monoculture Tree Plantations

20 sept., 2012

 Asuncion/London/Glasgow/Buffalo On the occasion of the International Day of Protest Against Monoculture Tree Plantations {1}, the Global Forest Coalition [2], Biofuelwatch [3] Critical Information Collective [4] and Global Justice Ecology Project [5] warn against EU and US plans to expand the bio-economy [6].  This new industrial strategy assumes that massive amounts of additional biomass could be produced sustainably in order to be burned for industrial and commercial electricity and heat, or processed to replace petroleum fuels used in transportation or …

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Missing the Woods for the Trees?

27 août, 2012

(a commentary on the recent debates around ecotourism) cross-posted from EQUATIONS August 2012 Ecotourism is increasingly being seen as a driver for the eradication of poverty through economic development of communities,…

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Rio+20 agrees on outcome document

20 juin, 2012

Admittedly I am totally surprised, but despite the tremendous chaos at this conference here the Governments at Rio+20 here seem to have all agreed on the attached outcome document yesterday,…

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