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Palm Oil: No Thanks: We scrub away the palm oil lobby’s dirty greenwashing

3 sept., 2013

(cross-posted) Sep 2, 2013 Joint press release by Rainforest Rescue, Society for Threatened Peoples, Robin Wood, Urgewald and Watch Indonesia!  Berlin Activists from Rainforest Rescue, the Society for Threatened Peoples, Robin Wood, Urgewald  and Watch Indonesia! are scrubbing the pavements in front of  two conference venues used by palm oil lobbyists in Berlin.  The environmental and human rights organisations are protesting against today’s inaugural meeting of the “Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil” and against tomorrow’s first European Conference of the …

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14 mai, 2013

Foreword: Seed diversity and agrobiodiversity worldwide face the growing threat of market liberalisation, including the FTA between India and the EU that will only suit agribusinesses. To safeguard seed diversity and farmers’…

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