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Forests and Climate Change

A congress in which the trees vanquish the forest

17 Sep, 2015

By Miguel Lovera* Earlier this year, I was invited to give a keynote speech at the World Forestry Congress (WFC), an event organised by the FAO every six years. The theme for this session, which took place in Durban from 7th to 11th of September this year was ‘Forests and People: Investing in a Sustainable Future’. Later in the year, as the dates for the WFC approached, what was first an invitation to address the session with a keynote speech …

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Appeal: Freedom to Evgeny Vitishko!

22 Apr, 2015

APPEAL We, the undersigned non-governmental not-for-profit organizations, work to protect and promote universal rights to freedom and to a healthy environment and to protect individuals who defend these rights. Therefore,…

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Bioenergy and Forests

15 Apr, 2015

This editorial is part of Forest Cover issue nº47. If you want to read or download the rest of the articles please go to By Rachel Smolker, Biofuelwatch, USA…

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