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GFC in the News: World Environment Day and the Importance of Community Conservation

7 Jun, 2022

dry land suggesting drought

June 5 was World Environment Day. On that occasion, MongaBay interviewed GFC’s Executive Director Simone Lovera in an article about the “triple threat” of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Along with other experts and NGO representatives, Lovera spoke about the need for effective forest conservation policies that prioritize local rights and protect livelihoods for women, peasants and others. We read: Simone Lovera, executive director of Global Forest Coalition, says that community conservation initiatives should be recognized because they know …

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In Memory of Khadija Catherine Razavi

19 Apr, 2022

Khadija Catherine Razavi of CENESTA in Iran

The Global Forest Coalition expresses its deepest sadness over the loss of our colleague Khadija Catherine Razavi, founder and chair of the Centre for Sustainable Development and Environment (CENESTA) in…

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