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“Nature-based solutions” – another false, corporate pathway in the great greenwashing of the climate and biodiversity crise

12 Oct, 2023

Aerial shot of deforestation

With key United Nations and Global Convention on Biological Diversity meetings taking place in Nairobi, Kenya this October, GFC’s Souparna Lahiri and Valentina Figuera Martínez raise the alarm on the infiltration of nature-based solutions into global climate policy discussions, showing closer analysis and rigorous scrutiny of their implementation reveal them to be a dangerous barrier to resolving the climate and biodiversity crises.

The UN Environment Program (UNEP) working group on NbS is meeting from October 9-13, while the 25th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the CBD convenes in Nairobi from October 15-19.

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Get to know the Belém Declaration

11 Aug, 2023

Leaders from State Parties involved in the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT) convened in the Brazilian city of Belém for a two-day conference. The primary objective was to forge an agreement…

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