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From Bangkok to Katowice: In whose interests are the climate negotiations?

1 Sep, 2018

Demonstration in Bangkok, 2009. Photo: Souparna Lahiri

by Souparna Lahiri, 2nd September, 2018 This week the negotiations over the Paris Rulebook and Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP) recommence in Bangkok. It reminds me of the 2009 Bangkok intersessional, in the run up to the Copenhagen Conference of the Parties (COP), where there was much expectation in the air and great mobilisations on the streets. Back then, the US and big developing countries including China and India crafted the Copenhagen Declaration, which demolished the Kyoto architecture of binding …

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GFC Annual Report 2017

21 May, 2018

We are happy to share our 2017 Annual Report: “In Defence of Real Forests and their Communities”. As a global coalition, we have come far. Founded in 2000 with just…

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