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Forests and Climate Change

We are the Real Forest Heroes Message to the XIV World Forestry Congress from the Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

23 Sep, 2015

By Souparna Lahiri* During the Global Forest Coalition (GFC)’s Fostering Community Conservation Conference in Durban, South Africa (31 August-4 September, 2015), just days before the World Forestry Congress (WFC) (7-11 September, 2015), Diego Cardona, the Chairperson, said: “Contrary to what is assumed in many international policy processes, local communities are not threats to forests, they don’t over-exploit them; they are actually the ones who have maintained these territories and guaranteed that they continue to exist and need policy support to continue …

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Appeal: Freedom to Evgeny Vitishko!

22 Apr, 2015

APPEAL We, the undersigned non-governmental not-for-profit organizations, work to protect and promote universal rights to freedom and to a healthy environment and to protect individuals who defend these rights. Therefore,…

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Bioenergy and Forests

15 Apr, 2015

This editorial is part of Forest Cover issue nº47. If you want to read or download the rest of the articles please go to By Rachel Smolker, Biofuelwatch, USA…

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