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Defending Rights

The Biggest Land Grabbing in Africa – PROSAVANNA

9 Jun, 2014

(cross.posted via One of the biggest land grabbing in Africa its about to happen: “press release: National Campaign to PROSAVANA in may 2013, more than 20 civil society organizations and social movements, farmers, environmental, religious, families and communities of the Nacala Development Corridor, signed and submitted with the Presidents of Mozambique, Brazil and the Prime Minister of Japan an open letter to stop and Reflect so Urgent the program ProSavana. The ProSavana is a program of triangular cooperation among the …

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REDD Fiddlers on a Burning Roof

18 Apr, 2013

Before we report on the national workshop on REDD Safeguards Information Systems and Conflict Resolution mechanisms, which took place from 8 to 12 April in Paraguay, let us talk briefly…

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11 Mar, 2013

In the dense semi-evergreen forests of Chilapata in North Bengal Dooars, the Adibasi residents of the forest villages of the area once again face police action because they have challenged the forest…

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