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Forests and Climate Change

Forests and climate change

Our Forests, Trees and Climate Change campaign opposes the corporate take-over of forest, biodiversity and climate policy-making at different governance levels, and focuses on the drivers of forest loss and land conversion to monoculture tree plantations that have arisen in the post-Paris Agreement climate mitigation context. This includes:

  • Bioenergy generation and BECCS/geoengineering to meet renewable energy targets;
  • Climate mitigation approaches centred around afforestation and reforestation with tree plantations, forest carbon offsets and other market-based schemes;
  • Public subsidies and climate finance that are increasingly being directed towards commercial tree plantations and bioenergy generation with strong private sector involvement.

These three key areas of work tie together the vital struggles that our member groups are engaged in locally with national and international-level advocacy that we engage in with our allies as a coalition, particularly concerning the UNFCCC, international climate finance mechanisms, global campaigns against the expansion of industrial bioenergy and genetically engineered trees. We also campaign for gender justice as a key pillar of climate justice, and promote gender-responsive and community-led alternative solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises.

Key Publications

Who Really Benefits? How REDD+ Fails Forests and Those Who Protect Them
Divest Public Climate Finance from False Solutions: A Roadmap
Trees for Global Benefit Uganda: A Case Study on the Failures of Carbon Offsetting
Forest Cover 68: The End of False Solutions: Moving Towards Rights-Based and Gender Transformative Solutions to Climate Change
Forest Cover 65: Gender justice and climate action: A feminist analysis of forest and climate policy making
Arauco’s Valdivia biomass power station: carbon emissions and conflicts with Indigenous communities in Chile
These are not forests: The Arbaro Fund and monoculture tree plantations in Paraguay
AFR100: Driving commercial tree plantation expansion in Africa?
International Civil Aviation Day: Say no to carbon offsets for aviation!
The impacts of tree plantations on women, and women-led resistance to monocultures
15 years of REDD+: Has it been worth the money?
An investigation into the Global Environment Facility-funded Green Charcoal Project in Uganda
An investigation into the Global Environment Facility-funded project “Production of sustainable, renewable biomass-based charcoal for the iron and steel industry in Brazil”
Can sustainability and greenhouse gas standards protect the climate, forests and communities from the impacts of wood-based bioenergy?
Working paper: The risks of large-scale biosequestration in the context of Carbon Dioxide Removal

Key Articles

Beyond Bioenergy

5 Mar 2025

Beyond Bioenergy

A joint statement in favor of truly sustianabile EU energy policy The Global Forest Coalition is among the signatories of this joint statement, Beyond Bioenergy, which calls on the EU…

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