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Whose Land, Whose Forests? The Gendered Impacts and Colonial Roots of Extractive Industries

30 Aug, 2022

Person carrying a heavy bag of minerals in DRC

This issue of Forest Cover, Whose Land, Whose Forests? describes the harm that extractivist projects like mining and monoculture tree plantations are doing in communities across Africa and Asia and makes the connections between colonialism, capitalism, and patriarchy. Produced by the Global Forest Coalition’s campaign on Extractive Industry, Tourism and Infrastructure (ETI), it includes six case studies based on on-the-ground research by several of our member organizations in very different parts of the world. But they have a common problem: …

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GFC Annual Report 2021

15 Jul, 2022

We are pleased to share with you a summary of the Global Forest Coalition’s work in 2021. This report describes the key moments and achievements of GFC’s campaigns on climate…

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