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Exploring Gender-Responsive Monitoring of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: Insights from a July Event

24 Aug, 2023

Over six months since the historic signing of the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF), the Global Forest Coalition and our allies are working hard to ensure the gender-responsive monitoring of its implementation. On 26 July, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Women’s Caucus, in partnership with the CBD Secretariat and Women4Biodiversity, organised an illuminating online event with two core objectives: 1) provide participants with a deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges of integrating gender considerations into biodiversity monitoring processes, …

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Get to know the Belém Declaration

11 Aug, 2023

Leaders from State Parties involved in the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT) convened in the Brazilian city of Belém for a two-day conference. The primary objective was to forge an agreement…

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