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GFC Annual Report 2018: Defending rights and the power of community conservation

19 Jun, 2019

We are pleased to share with you a summary of the work performed by the Global Forest Coalition in 2018. This Annual Report describes the key moments and achievements of our campaigns over what was an extremely busy year for GFC and our members. The high point came in the middle of it when we were able to bring together over 120 representatives of our member groups, allies, indigenous organisations and local communities for our events in Montreal. The energy and shared purpose nurtured there has fueled our coalition since.

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Roots Newsletter Апрель 2019 года: «Уважать традиционные знания и поддерживать деятельность общин по сохранению окружающей среды»

3 Apr, 2019

Дорогие друзья, 2018 год завершился на воодушевляющей и обнадеживающей ноте – принятием на сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединенных Наций беспрецедентной Декларации Организации Объединенных Наций о правах крестьян и других лиц,…

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GFC Annual Report 2017

21 May, 2018

We are happy to share our 2017 Annual Report: “In Defence of Real Forests and their Communities”. As a global coalition, we have come far. Founded in 2000 with just…

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GFC Annual Report 2016

9 Jun, 2017

2016 was an exciting and productive year for the Global Forest Coalition. We grew our membership to 86 NGOs and Indigenous Peoples Organisations from 58 countries, enabling us to reaffirm…

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