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‘Cheering-up’ Reflections on Rio+20

8 Aug, 2012

Rio 92 was first and foremost a classical deal between the South committing to some concrete sustainable development actions and the North committing to provide financial and technological support for those actions. Due to the environmental crisis the main agenda of the donor countries for Rio+20 was “how can we escape our financial obligations”. The green economy agenda was the perfect vehicle for that, as it pretended to give business and industry a lead role in generating the investments for …

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Rio+20 agrees on outcome document

20 Jun, 2012

Admittedly I am totally surprised, but despite the tremendous chaos at this conference here the Governments at Rio+20 here seem to have all agreed on the attached outcome document yesterday,…

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Informe del Grupo de Articulación Internacional de la Cumbre de los Pueblos por Justicia Social y Ambiental por la Unidad y la Movilización de los Pueblos en Defensa de La Vida y los Bienes Comunes, la Justicia Social y Ambiental, Contra la Mercantilización De La Naturaleza Y La “Economía Verde”

22 May, 2012

(tomado de A un mes de la conferencia de Naciones Unidas Río+20, los pueblos del mundo no vemos resultados positivos del proceso de negociación que se está realizando en la…

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