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Results for “allie constantine”

New Report: The Great REDD+ Climate Illusion

Posted 13th November 2024 in Resources and publications, Forests and Climate Change

The Great REDD+ Climate Illusion: A flawed equation for forests, people, and planet A new briefer from the Global Forest Coalition GFC’s latest research critically examines the REDD+ program, showing that it has little to do with reducing deforestation while facilitating land grabbing, logging and monoculture plantations and causing rights violations. Download the report in English – French – Spanish   Despite billions in funding and hundreds of projects, REDD+ is not delivering the promised results in reducing deforestation or forest degradation.  …

The Dark Side of Technology: Coltan Mining in the DRC and its Human Rights and Environmental Impacts

Posted 17th November 2023 in Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure

The human rights abuses and environmental degradation associated with coltan mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) demand immediate attention and action. International cooperation, transparent mining practices, and adherence to ethical standards throughout the supply chain are essential to mitigate the devastating impact of coltan extraction on both people and the environment.

Media Release: Urgent action required to halt the gender, environmental and human rights impacts of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Posted 26th September 2023 in Press releases, Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure

In a new 16-page report Debt, Displacement, and Biodiversity Loss: Assessing the Gender, Environmental, and Human Rights Implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, GFC uncovers the deeply troubling consequences of China-backed infrastructure projects in Kenya, Indonesia, and Argentina. With a focus on the diverse experiences of women, the report unveils the human rights violations and environmental devastation resulting from China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Webinar: Debt, Displacement, and Biodiversity Loss: Assessing the Gender, Environmental, and Human Rights Implications of Extractivism and China’s Belt and Road Initiative

China-backed, large-scale infrastructure projects are causing widespread ecological damage, including deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, and increased carbon emissions globally. Join us for a special webinar where Allie Constantine, the author of GFC’s latest report, Debt, Displacement, and Biodiversity Loss: Assessing the Gender, Environmental, and Human Rights Implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, will introduce the report and its findings and recommendations.   In the report, GFC uncovers the deeply troubling consequences of China-backed infrastructure projects in Kenya, Indonesia, …

Roots of Resilience: A Podcast from the Global Forest Coalition

Posted 13th June 2023 in Forests and Climate Change, Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure, Podcasts, Defending Rights, Resources and publications, Gender Justice and Forests

Episode 1: GFC on the Frontlines

In this opening episode of Roots of Resilience, host Chithira Vijayakumar speaks with three of GFC’s lead campaigners on the work of GFC and our members and allies.

We hear about the impacts of climate change and market-based false solutions on Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and in particular, women in all their diversities. We also demystify some of the confusion around “false solutions” and hear more about what real solutions to the climate crisis look like.

GFC interviewed about the new Global Biodiversity Framework

Posted 21st December 2022 in 2Media, GFC in the news

GFC’s Simone Lovera spoke with Inter-Press Service about the new Global Biodiversity Framework that came out of the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal (COP15) on Monday, December 19. In conversation with journalist Emilio Godoy, Lovera welcomed some of what was included in the last-minute agreement: [The accord] recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, and of women. It also includes a recommendation to withdraw subsidies and reduce public and private investments in destructive activities, such as large-scale cattle ranching …

Is the BRI in line with an “ecological civilization?” Whose future counts?

Posted 7th December 2022 in News, Forests and Climate Change, Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure

By Allie Constantine (Global Forest Coalition) in ECO, Vol. 65 7 December 2022 China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), hailed as being a new strategy to connect the world with Asia through various forms of trade, suffers from a lack of transparency around some of its more negative impacts. Worryingly, human rights abuses and environmental concerns (including massive risk for biodiversity [1]) are often left unaddressed, as a new briefing paper by the Global Forest Coalition analyses. Disasters including flooding, …

Briefing: Is the BRI Congruous with COP15’s Promise of an “Ecological Civilisation”?

Posted 7th December 2022 in Resources and publications, Forests and Climate Change, Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure, UNFCCC

As the parties to the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) meet in Montreal, we’re looking at the need for real solutions to biodiversity loss and the big processes and factors that would seem to undermine the stated goals of the CBD. The Belt and Road Initiative is a massive infrastructure program that would have deep impacts on forests and other ecosystems on all continents, and specifically on Indigenous and local communities throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America. What does this …

Whose Land, Whose Forests? The Gendered Impacts and Colonial Roots of Extractive Industries

Posted 30th August 2022 in Forest Cover, Resources and publications, Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure

This issue of Forest Cover, Whose Land, Whose Forests? describes the harm that extractivist projects like mining and monoculture tree plantations are doing in communities across Africa and Asia and makes the connections between colonialism, capitalism, and patriarchy. Produced by the Global Forest Coalition’s campaign on Extractive Industry, Tourism and Infrastructure (ETI), it includes six case studies based on on-the-ground research by several of our member organizations in very different parts of the world. But they have a common problem: …