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GFC points finger at South Korea for taking advantage of climate accounting loophole to expand biomass industry

13 Jun, 2024

Following a side event at Bonn SB60, GFC’s Kwami Kponzo was quoted in South Korean media along with other allies who spoke at the event which brought a spotlight on the climate justice issues around biomass power generation. The industry is criticised for its massive carbon emissions and indiscriminate deforestation, and GFC along with allies from the Biomass Action Network raised climate justice concerns about shifting greenhouse gas emissions from developed to developing countries. Kpondzo said: The current climate change …

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Приветствуя нового директора по политике GFC

27 May, 2024

GFC рада объявить о назначении Мэри Луизы Малиг новым директором по политике коалиции. Мэри Луиза обладает более чем 20-летним опытом работы в области лесной политики и адвокации, свободной торговли, изменения…

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GFC is hiring for the role of Director

5 Jan, 2024

The Global Forest Coalition (GFC) is seeking an experienced Director to provide strategic direction for the organization and oversee the coordination and implementation of our mission and policies across GFC’s…

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GFC’s Statement on Palestine

21 Nov, 2023

Palestinian flag waving in darkness

GFC’s Statement on Palestine   The Global Forest Coalition vehemently condemns the ongoing war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people by the government of Israel and its allies, and…

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