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Forests and Climate Change

Civil Society Views in Scaling up Biodiversity Finance, Resource Mobilization, and Innovative Financial Mechanisms

3 Apr, 2012

GFC’s submission to the UNFCCC call for Parties and accredited organizations on modalities and procedures for financing results based-actions and activities related to decision 1/CP.16, paragraphs 68-70 and 72. This paper is the outcome of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action and was prepared by the CBD Alliance; it will focus on some of the risks of the so-called ‘innovative financial mechanisms” and will analyze some of their social risks, but also elaborate on the economic sustainability and …

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Confused Climate Solutions (CCS)

6 Dec, 2011

Durban, South Africa – If ordinary people are struggling to understand what is going on in the COP17 Climate Change negotiations in Durban, they should not feel too bad as…

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COP17 for Dummies

2 Dec, 2011

Durban, South Africa – Around 16,000 people have gathered this year at the Convention Center in Durban to discuss around the climate change problematic, or at least, that is what most…

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