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Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure

“Net Gain” is a lose-lose for rights, gender justice and social equity in biodiversity policy

1 Mar, 2022

person walking on a path through a green area

The concepts of “Net Gain” and “No Net Loss” have become popular in biodiversity conservation circles and are embraced in the first draft of a new global biodiversity framework released by the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). At the heart of these concepts are biodiversity offsets, which are supposed to compensate for environmental harm caused by extractive industry, infrastructure and other development projects. As scientists and local communities have pointed out, biodiversity offsets often fail to contribute to biodiversity conservation …

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Webinar: Impacts of tourism

30 Oct, 2020

This webinar focused on the impacts of tourism and includes short presentations from GFC member groups where they explore both the impacts of mass tourism projects on forests and communities,…

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ЛЕСНОЕ ОБОЗРЕНИЕ 60: Как Инициатива «Пояс и путь» влияет на женщин и леса?

18 Dec, 2019

 Это издание журнала Forest Cover посвящено Инициативе по поясу и пути (BRI). BRI - это стратегия глобального развития правительства Китая, направленная на восстановление старого Шелкового пути, связывающего Китай с Азией…

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