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Using Electoral Rights to Negotiate Community Forest Rights

14 Apr, 2016

forest rights

Souparna Lahiri* With barely ten days to go for the polls to the State Legislature, the forest villagers in the Himalayan foothills, Terai and Duars of the eastern Indian State of West Bengal have created a stir amidst the highly charged political atmosphere. Approximately 250,000 forest people residing in more than 250 forest villages have called for to press for the NOTA (None of the Above) button on the election day to protest and expose the role of the mainstream …

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COP 21: Victorious Corporations

14 Dec, 2015

cop 21

By Miguel Lovera* Negotiations to solve climate change started 23 years ago. Ever since then, a trend towards commercializing the problems and the solutions started to be identifiable. More and…

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COP21: We have a Deal…

11 Dec, 2015

cop 21 we have a deal

By Souparna Lahiri   The negotiations are almost over. Governments, civil society, media, NGOs, INGOs, BINGOs have all come out with their demands, expectations and postures. A few caucus of…

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