Global livestock webinar: Building resilient alternatives to unsustainable livestock farming

SAVE THE DATE – THURSDAY 25TH JUNE – 8AM Bogotá/9AM New York/1PM Ghana/3PM Amsterdam/6.30PM Dehli/8PM Jakarta
The Global Forest Coalition’s campaign against unsustainable livestock production invites you to participate in the next edition of our webinar series on unsustainable livestock farming and its alternatives. This time, we will focus on unsustainable livestock and feedstock production globally, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recovery from it. The webinar aims to reflect on the question: “How can consumers, producers, policy-makers and NGOs (both in the Global South and North), support resilient alternatives to unsustainable livestock farming?”
Speakers from Latin America, Asia, Africa & Europe will dig deeper into the different strategies and approaches required to halt the expansion of agro-industrial livestock farming, and to support the diverse range of more sustainable alternatives to this model.
Moderator: Kwami Kpondzo (Togo)
- Regional webinar roundup: Alternatives to unsustainable livestock farming (Ines Franceschelli, Heñoi)
- The role of consumers, producers and policy-makers in supporting alternatives (Kirtana Chandrasekaran, FoEI – TBC)
- Targeting Brazilian consumers, producers and policy-makers (Carolina Galvani, Sinergia Animal)
- Targeting investors in unsustainable livestock farming (Daniel Jones, Feedback)
- Targeting the EU Farm to Fork policy and the EU-Mercosur agreement (Stephanie Ghislain, EuroGroup for Animals)
- Closing remarks on strategies to address unsustainable livestock farming from a Southern perspective (Isis Alvarez, GFC)
To participate, please register here. The webinar will take place on Zoom, which you can download here. The meeting will be held in English with Spanish interpretation.
For more information, see our previous webinars in this series, and “Industrial meat production: reshaping the world in its own image”, a report on three regional events looking at alternatives to industrial livestock production.