Presenting Global Forest Coalition’s 2022 Annual Report

It’s here! The annual report of the Global Forest Coalition for 2022 is out now.
Read about our campaigning, events, and outreach during the last year and all of the work that our four campaigns did to elevate the concerns of our member groups around the world.
Download the 2022 GFC Annual Report
Message from the chair
Dear members, allies, friends, and supporters of the Global Forest Coalition, we present to you the report on the work of the GFC for 2022.
This report brings together the most significant events and results of our organisation’s activities over the past year. The year 2022 was rich in environmental events, and the GFC has shown itself to be the most active advocate for the rights of local communities, Indigenous Peoples, and women and their vital role in pursuing a healthy environment, climate justice and the future we want. In 2022, GFC and our allies managed to influence the outcomes of critical negotiations, including the COP27 Sharm El Sheikh Climate Change Conference and COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Montreal; outcomes that we are certainly proud of. But of course, this is not enough, critically not enough!
Our common efforts allow us to reduce inequalities and make local communities’ voices visible and audible internationally. A global triple crisis is unfolding on the planet, consisting of the degradation of biodiversity, climate change, and environmental pollution. It is impossible to overcome this crisis without achieving social justice, equal participation and non-discrimination. That is why the Global Forest Coalition focuses on reducing inequalities, advancing human rights, and saving and restoring ecosystems. The Global Forest Coalition has been and remains one of the strong, genuinely independent international associations for which the highest value is the preservation and restoration of forest ecosystems by protecting and promoting respect for the rights, territories, traditional knowledge and sustainable livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples, particularly women in all their diversities.
This year, we have added more organisations to our ranks, with 126 NGOs, Indigenous People’s organisations and women’s rights groups in 73 countries as coalition members. Together, we continue to work and achieve results in implementing campaigns identified within the members’ assembly: Gender Justice and Forests, Extractive Industries, Tourism and Infrastructure (ETI), Forests and Climate Change, and Unsustainable Livestock Production.
We invite you to become more actively involved in campaign work and share your concerns, results, and achievements with us. Only together can we reduce environmental risks, achieve environmental justice and save Mother Earth!
Anna Kirilenko
Inequalities in impact and resources meant that both the Covid-19 and post-Covid periods resulted in markedly less and insufficient Global South participation and voices in national, regional and global spaces. This loss of voices comes at a significant time and juncture, with important policy decisions being taken in the context of climate change and biodiversity loss. We saw impacts in major international events, from the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) negotiations in Geneva, Nairobi, and Montreal to UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meetings in Bonn and Sharm El Sheikh.
The Global Forest Coalition (GFC) remains at the forefront of the campaign against corporate capture of critical negotiations with other cross-constituency networks and alliances. Yet, the destructive spectre of corporate capture of global policy-making continued to raise its head during the pandemic and post-pandemic periods, as seen in the UN Food Systems Summit, the negotiations of the Global Biodiversity Framework, and CBD COP15 and COP27 of the UNFCCC. GFC continues to work to support coalition members and other critical voices from the Global South to access and influence global policy spaces.
Civil society groups have repeatedly raised the issues of corporate capture and conflict of interest with the highest echelons of governments and the UN system, including the office of the UN Secretary General. This corporate capture has resulted in the policy dominance of the fossil fuels industry and the agri-business and industrial agriculture corporations, leading to false narratives regarding the drivers of deforestation, climate change and biodiversity loss. In turn, this has led to the proliferation of false solutions in the forms of net zero, nature-based solutions (NbS), forest offsets, monocultures, forest biomass burning and large-scale carbon-dioxide removals supported by the flow of public and private climate finance. GFC and its members continue to push for the necessary immediate emissions reductions and the redirection of climate finance and policy support towards real solutions with the participation of frontline communities, including Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs), and especially women in all their diversity.
However, there is still a lack of political will at different governance levels to facilitate community-based, gender-responsive, ecosystem-based adaptation support schemes and finance. Access to power and decision-making, particularly for Indigenous Peoples and women in all their diversity in low-income countries, continues to be difficult. It is often based on all-male networks.
In practical terms, GFC continues to amplify the work of coalition members through support and joint publications of research and advocacy publications, hosting joint press conferences and report launches, and taking part in and amplifying members’ work through social media campaigns. GFC also produces a range of online and multimedia content and, over 2022, held various online and in-person events, highlighting successful examples of community-governed and gender-just forest conservation and restoration through coalition members. We also continue to use the campaign working group email list servers to communicate with members and share relevant information.
GFC also organised numerous workshops and skillshares across our four campaigns and continues to engage with and provide opportunities for coalition members to engage with international alliances, networks and allies in different capacities.
Gender Justice and Forests
GFC recognises that addressing structural barriers of patriarchy, racism, colonialism, and capitalism is inherent to building a more equitable and environmentally-just world. Our Gender Justice and Forests (GJ&F) campaign is positioned as one that is, by its very nature, central to all our campaigns.
Under the GJ&F campaign, GFC promotes actions to protect forest ecosystems and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local communities, especially of ethnically and socially marginalized women, men, children, youth, and elders, in all their diversity, through supporting local initiatives and strengthening the strategic advocacy work of our member groups towards gender transformative and women’s empowerment policies.
In 2022, GFC continued our work across research and advocacy in this area. Through gender tools and methodologies, we worked together with all GFC campaigns and our member groups to mainstream gender justice and promote gender-transformative approaches in forest conservation. Some of the key research and advocacy outputs centred on GFC’s flagship reports Forest Cover 67, and Forest Cover 68, and the official launch of Forest Cover 66 through a webinar. To support the research, our Gender Senior Advisor, Juana Vera Delgado, developed a feminist research methodology for GFC allies, adaptable to local contexts, to facilitate data collection and measurement of gender-differentiated impacts on forests and forest-dependent communities.
The contributions include strengthening the gender-transformative lens from an intersectional approach to highlight that women, children, the elderly and gender-diverse people are disproportionately affected by the global scenario of inequality and climate colonialism. The campaign also advocated for improvements in the EU deforestation legislation by exposing the need for a gender-just implementation of this proposed regulation. Additional advocacy efforts include demanding stronger references to Indigenous and women’s rights in the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and binding regulations to ensure that investors, corporations, and consumers do not cause harm to biodiversity.
As part of the campaign’s actions to disseminate critical views during the CBD COP15 in Montreal, we participated in the podcast episode “COP15: Un marco transformador para salvar la biodiversidad”, a space created by the Natural Resources and Environment Foundation (FARN) – called “Parte de la solución” – to reflect on a transformative framework to save biodiversity. Additionally, as part of GFC’s participation in the UN-CBD Women’s Caucus, we published an article to highlight women’s contributions to the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance discussion on nature-based solutions. There is a broad concern about the current lack of agreed standards in carbon offset markets, which has triggered many projects that compromise the integrity of global agreements in the field of climate change and biodiversity, especially due to their lack of permanence. The article focuses on how women, girls, and non-binary people in all their diversity are disproportionately affected by climate change.
The campaign’s steering committee also developed a range of skillshare activities in 2022. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) members held a virtual Gender and Forests skillshare meeting with Indigenous women leaders and local communities from more than 20 rural and Indigenous women leaders who shared their experiences. The LAC region also hosted an additional session for men. The GJ&F campaign also supported the Regional Gender virtual Skillshare meetings, organised by the regional focal person for Central Asia and Eastern Europe .
We also organised the First Meeting with the African Regional Group to discuss extractivism in Africa from a gendered perspective, elect an African member to the GJ&F Steering Committee and propose strategic actions to mainstream gender in the region. In December, we hosted the Gender Justice and Forest Campaign’s Evaluation and 2023 Planning Meeting to assess the implementation of actions of the campaign’s Steering Committee throughout 2022 and plan the 2023 collective strategic direction and work.
Other events organised together with our members in 2022 included the launching of the Book Laguna Chica, which depicts the struggle of Indigenous Guaraní women for land and environmental justice in Bolivia. To mark the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, we hosted a webinar with Guaraní leaders and later published an article about their successes. The feminist US media outlet Ms. Magazine published the article in English, and the feminist Bolivian radio station Adich posted it in Spanish.
As part of the Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) activities, the GJ&F — as Gender Technical Partner (GTP) — supports the mainstreaming of gender and intersectionality on inclusive forest governance in six GLA countries: Colombia, Bolivia, Liberia, Ghana, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Additionally, the campaign supports the gender and forest-related activities of two partners in Paraguay. This support is provided in three different ways: a) GFC local partners, who are experts in gender and forest issues, b) local gender expert consultants, and c) direct mentorship from GFC gender senior experts. In 2022, one of the main supported activities, at the country level has been the development of the Organisational Gender Action Plan and the follow-up on self-assessment recommendations carried out in 2021.
At the global level, the GJ&F campaign collaborates with two governance bodies of GLA: the Gender Hub, and the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning. At this level, the campaign supported and co-organized together with Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) different knowledge and learning exchange sessions, including “Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH) in the Green Livelihood Alliance,” Mind the GAP, gender-transformative and intersectionality approaches in the GLA., and the GLA alliance gender approaches and strategies, including the GTPs. In November, we also co-hosted together with WECF the assessment and annual evaluation of the GTP’s roles and responsibilities at GLA in 11 countries.
GFC is also an active member of a number of other constituencies and alliances, including the Women and Gender Constituency at the UNFCCC, the Women’s Major Group for Sustainable Development, advocating at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the UN Environmental Assembly, the CBD Women’s Caucus, and the Association for Women’s Rights in Development.
Extractive Industries, Tourism and Infrastructure (ETI)
GFC’s campaign on Extractive Industries, Tourism and Infrastructure (ETI) aims to protect forests and the rights of communities through advocacy around extractives, including mining and logging, infrastructure, and mass tourism mega-projects. In 2022, the ETI campaign established a steering committee comprised of coalition members as an advisory body to oversee the campaign’s work and priorities.
Our advocacy campaigns targeting the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) form an important element of our overall internal policy work and promote respect for the rights and role of women, Indigenous Peoples and local communities in biodiversity policy, and promote effective, gender-just policies to address the main drivers of biodiversity loss. GFC closely followed all the virtual and in-person negotiation processes, including in-person participation in the intersessional meetings in Switzerland, alongside the CBD Alliance and the Conference of the Parties in Montreal, in December 2022. Due to Covid, the negotiation session in June 2022 was followed virtually, and we were able to make several crucial inputs.
Successful work with our partners and allies led to advancing Indigenous People’s rights through the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) agreed upon by almost 200 countries at the Global Biodiversity Summit (COP15) in Montreal in December 2022. GFC held numerous press conferences and published news releases, articles and opinion pieces to influence the negotiations at CBD COP15, leading to over 30 unique GFC media mentions in December. GFC also published a briefing paper on the impacts of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on gender justice, Indigenous rights, and biodiversity. The analysis, “Is the BRI Congruous with COP15’s Promise of an “Ecological Civilisation?” was launched at an event on the sidelines of COP15 and disseminated online and to GFCs partners and media.
Although the outcome of the negotiations in Montreal was welcomed by many, GFC campaigners remained deeply concerned that the final agreement failed to close the door to private sector financing of biodiversity policy, including through false solutions such as biodiversity offsets and so-called “Nature-based Solutions”.
In the lead-up to COP15, GFC published Forest Cover 67, “Whose Land, Whose Forests? The Gendered Impacts and Colonial Roots of Extractive Industries.” The report outlines the harm that extractivist projects like mining and monoculture tree plantations are doing in communities across Africa and Asia, and makes the connections between colonialism, capitalism, and patriarchy. Produced by the ETI campaign, it includes six case studies based on on-the-ground research by several of our member organisations in very different parts of the world. But they have a common problem: the forest ecosystems and landscapes that have long been important to Indigenous and local communities are threatened by resource extraction activities by corporations, often with the support of governments, putting profits over local priorities and threatening the environment and social fabric.
In March, the campaign also joined the CBD intersessional meetings in Switzerland to advocate alongside the CBD Alliance to ensure protections against biodiversity loss from extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure projects, particularly through BRI projects.
In August, the ETI campaign joined Oilwatch Africa’s general assembly held in Accra, Ghana, and included a visit to the Keta Lagoon Ramsar Site, whose rich biodiversity is threatened by state-backed oil exploration. This action strengthened the relationship between GFC and Oilwatch Africa.
Continued attention was also paid to the BRI, identified as one of the main drivers of deforestation. In September, a desktop analysis was conducted to deepen the understanding of the impacts of BRI on communities depending on forests, especially on women and their livelihoods.
In October, ahead of the global week of mobilisation against transnational corporations (TNCs), the ETI campaign organised a skillshare webinar on the impact of TNCs’ activities on forest and forest-dependent people. The skillshare included an analysis of the BRI’s impacts on forests and forest-dependent communities, especially women in all their diversity. The BRI analysis was based on a study carried out in September 2022.
Forests and Climate Change
Our Forests and Climate Change campaign opposes the corporate takeover of policymaking on forests, biodiversity and climate at different governance levels. It also focuses on addressing the drivers of forest loss and monoculture tree plantations.
These key areas of work tie together the vital struggles that our member groups are engaged in locally with national and international-level advocacy that we engage in with our allies as a coalition, particularly concerning the UNFCCC, international climate finance mechanisms and global campaigns against the expansion of industrial bioenergy. We also campaign for gender justice as a key pillar of climate justice and promote gender-responsive and community-led alternative solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises.
The campaign continued to deepen understanding and further analyse the impacts of underlying drivers of deforestation and, thus, climate change, and to build strategic awareness-raising campaigns to target policy- and decision-makers, and the wider public on false and real solutions.
The core of our campaigns work over 2022 focused on denouncing and opposing wood-based bioenergy, monoculture commercial tree plantations, carbon offsets and markets, corporate capture, NbS and other false solutions and their negative impacts on forests, Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women, especially in the Global South. We published several case studies, blog articles, a briefing and a video focusing on these issues and showcasing the alternative and real solutions our member groups are implementing on the ground.
We continued promoting and advocating for gender-just, rights-based, socially just forest and climate policies and strategies at different governance levels and denouncing false solutions in collaboration with member groups, networks and international alliances. In this regard, other successes this year were the well-attended regional webinars to demystify false solutions organised together with the campaign’s steering committee, focal points, members groups and allies.
Much of the advocacy work focused on relevant meetings and negotiations like the UNFCCC Bonn inter-sessional and COP27 in Sherm-el Sheik, where the climate change campaign, in collaboration with members and allies, co-organised and hosted multiple events including press conferences, side events, and other actions and events in alternative civil society spaces.
For this, we continued to support and be part of the global and regional (Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific) biomass working groups. The work done under this group includes organising activities for the International Day of Action against #BigBadBiomass, and the elaboration of a case study with our member group NAFAN/Nepal and the Environmental Paper Network (EPN): “The industrialisation of forest-based bioenergy in Nepal and its impacts on women and other forest-dependent peoples”, which was launched at a well-attended press conference.
In September, on the International Day of Struggle Against Monoculture Tree Plantations, we supported the African Biomass Working Group in releasing the statement ‘Monoculture Tree Plantations Are Not Forests!’ and organising a webinar ‘Monoculture Plantations in Africa: how are Forests and local communities impacted?’. We also worked with our member group GeaSphere/South Africa on a case study on the ‘Potentials and Risks of the African Forest Landscape Restoration (AFR100) Initiative’. A shorter version of the case study featured as a guest blog in We continue campaigning against biofuel, forest offsets and carbon markets, including the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and are engaged in Stay-Grounded events such as the members’ assemblies.
We continue to work closely with alliances, including the Climate Land Ambition and Rights Alliance (CLARA), on the analysis of Paris Agreement Article 6, its relevance for forest carbon offsets and its potential dangers and impacts. We contributed to a one-page CLARA response on Article 6.4, a press release response to the Report from the United Nations’ High-Level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities, and two briefers on Article 6.8-related issues – one focused on the need to launch the work program, and the second on how to Operationalise Article 6.8 for Non-Market Approach to Real Solutions & Real Zero. In addition, we worked with GFC member groups to develop case studies and showcase the impacts of these false solutions. The case studies are entitled ‘Trees for Global Benefit Uganda: A Case Study on the Failures of Carbon Offsetting’ and ‘The Land is Not For Sale, The Air is Not For Sale”: REDD+ in Colombia’. Both of them were launched prior to UNFCCC COP27.
We continued to monitor key multilateral funding mechanisms, mainly the Green Climate Fund (GCF), to identify where and how finance is being channelled into the aforementioned drivers of deforestation. We are also part of the civil society networks actively following the GCF and provide support and input for addressing potentially problematic forest and land-based projects, particularly those that will impact countries where there are GFC members.
Following the recommendations and priorities set early in 2022 during the annual planning campaign meeting with member groups, we organised three regional workshops (in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia-Pacific) to demystify false climate solutions and their gender-differentiated impacts. The workshops were organised together with GFC’s regional focal points. After each workshop, a slide deck was shared (in French, Spanish and English) with resources, further reading and links to more feminist analysis on drivers of deforestation, false solutions and gender-just community-led solutions. Moreover, we organised a webinar, ‘A Critical Look at the IPCC Reports from a Gender and Rights Perspective’, where key issues in the IPCC adaptation and mitigation reports launched in 20202 were dissected, particularly those relevant to gender, land and forests. To accompany this webinar, we created a video asking ‘What are the real solutions to the climate change crisis?’ in which seven member groups were involved (available in three languages).
Ahead of COP27, we launched the campaign flagship report for 2022, Forest Cover 68: ‘The End of False Solutions: Moving Towards Rights-Based and Gender Transformative Solutions to Climate Change. It is available in four languages and consists of a compilation of case studies and articles produced throughout the year. In addition, during COP27, we co-hosted three press conferences where we highlighted the main conclusion of the report in the context of relevant negotiations. We also co-organised and participated in three side events at the official UNFCCC venue and one at the parallel Peoples’ Summit, and hosted a two-day exhibit. We published a total of four statements and articles, including in media outlets (‘Beware of Climate Colonialism at COP27’), that emphasised our perspectives and were linked to negotiations. We created a microsite on the GFC website with a list of our activities at COP27 and a communications overview with information about our positions, events, spokespersons, and key resources on countering false solutions to the climate crisis.
Along with members from Central Asia, GFC established a project to strengthen the conservation of key biodiversity areas in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan through capacity building and coordination amongst coalition members and project partners. The project has six project teams from three countries. Activities in 2022 included site visits with local communities and GFC member groups, as well as online planning and capacity-building webinars and meetings, including the production of public awareness-raising materials and the creation of a regional network.
In 2022, we also strengthened communications and consultations with our member groups. We began the year by meeting with the campaign’s steering committee, which includes representatives from nine member groups. We followed up with the organisation of the annual strategic campaign meeting with members and hosted two strategic calls ahead of major UNFCCC conferences and an informal in-person meeting with a few members that participated in the UNFCCC negotiations. We continued to use the campaign’s email listserv to communicate with members and share relevant information.
Unsustainable Livestock Production
GFC’s campaign against Unsustainable Livestock Production focuses on combating the corporate capture of food production systems that undermine women’s rights, local communities, forest and biodiversity conservation, and human and environmental health. It also works to ensure that public resources are redirected to support more sustainable agricultural methods, such as agroecology, small-scale peasant farming and pastoralist practices that enhance forest conservation and restoration and build on the traditional knowledge of rural communities and Indigenous Peoples while ensuring food sovereignty for populations and reducing the impact on our natural resources.
Addressing the climate and biodiversity crises the world faces today requires dramatic changes in the way we manage food production and use land, and this will require bold decisions and policy coherence from governments. All communities and stakeholders – particularly women in all their diversity, Indigenous Peoples, and other marginalised groups – must be involved in the policy decisions affecting them and future generations.
A key forum for our work in 2022 was the Stop Financing Factory Farming (S3F) coalition, which we founded along with other allies, including Friends of the Earth (US), Feedback, Bank Information Center, World Animal Protection, Sinergia Animal and the International Accountability Project.
As a member of the S3F Steering Committee, GFC has played a leading role in commissioning research and developing advocacy campaigns to monitor and map global investments in animal agriculture. Another key role for GFC in the coalition is to act as a bridge between larger regional and global organisations and smaller, Global South-based organisations, in the countries most impacted by intensive animal agriculture. GFC also joined the steering committee of a coalition called Shifting to Healthy, Humane, and Equitable Livestock Systems (SHHELS).
Outside of our work in these coalitions, GFC also provided technical and financial assistance to member organisations in Asia to conduct research and awareness-raising campaigns. We published a research paper on The State of Industrial Livestock in Asia and its Impacts on Deforestation and Livelihoods that illuminates the realities of animal agriculture in Asia, a key region in the global fight to mitigate climate change and protect ecosystems from irreversible harm.
Along with this research, advocacy and capacity-building work, GFC was involved in key international events and meetings, including the Biodiversity Conference in Geneva in March, COP27 (Food 4 Climate) and the SBI 56 Conference in Bonn in June 2022, helping to link issues and networks such as livestock and carbon markets, propose gender approaches, and multi-scale readings of expressions of unsustainable livestock.
Quality Management and Planning
We opened the year by organising a series of online meetings with the steering committee members of GFC’s four campaigns. We conducted a membership survey in November and December to gather insights and information aimed at improving communications and member engagement, as well as to understand how GFC can best support coalition members.
GFC’s quality management system includes a detailed internal control system, regular reporting by staff, team members and groups that participate actively in GFC campaigns, monthly virtual internal evaluation and planning meetings, and an annual Monitoring, Evaluation and Planning (MEP) meeting for GFC’s Advisory Council.
The Advisory Council consists of five regional focal points elected by GFC members and senior staff members and oversees the coalition’s day-to-day work. Board members and other member group representatives may participate in these monthly meetings.
Under strict Covid protocols, the 2022 MEP was attended both in person and online and was held in Les Marécottes, Switzerland, from March 7–12. The meeting provided a space for the GFC team to share, analyse and respond to the previous years’ work and to strategise and plan for the year ahead. During the MEP, the team evaluated internal processes and systems and further discussed feedback received from the membership. Key outcomes included a commitment to further engage the membership in the campaigns, including through webinars and the dissemination of informational materials, including case studies and briefing papers.
The results of the MEP meeting were subsequently reviewed by the GFC Board during their annual meeting, which took place in June. The Board meeting also included a review of the 2021 annual audit and the overall financial situation of GFC.
Throughout the year, team members and partner groups regularly report on their activities. There are also regular monitoring and evaluation calls with GLA partner groups. The activities under the four campaigns are also monitored and evaluated during the monthly Advisory Council calls, which include brief reports and assessments of the activities under the different campaigns during the previous months, and updates on the activities planned for the next period. Last but not least, GFC produced three issues of our internal newsletter for members, Roots, which provides a regular, brief report on key activities and campaign updates.
This Annual Report provides an overview of the main organisational activities and achievements of GFC over 2022, as well as the ways in which we continue to navigate global power imbalances and inequities.
Over 2022, GFC made progress towards strengthening membership engagement, capacity, and alliance building through a range of activities across its campaigns and specific membership-targeted activities. GFC also strengthened communications, collaboration, and consultations between coalition members.
The coalition continued to grow slowly but steadily over the course of 2022. It embraced a two-pronged membership development strategy to both deepen engagement with existing members and slowly expand membership. As of December 2022, 126 NGOs, Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations and women’s rights groups in 73 countries are members of the coalition.
We remain deeply appreciative of the collective force of our members and are proud of all that we have been able to achieve together as a team, on international, national as well as regional platforms. Together as a coalition, we stand united in the face of continued threats faced by Indigenous Peoples, environmental defenders, and custodians of our forests and Mother Earth, especially women in all their diversities.
We are incredibly grateful to all the individuals, funders, organisations and communities that support our work, and we look forward to persevering together for a gender-just, ecologically secure future for the planet as a whole. GFC’s work and that of its members would not have been possible without the generous support from private donors and the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Pivot Point, Karuma Foundation, Divest Factory Farming, Rainforest Action Network, Agroecology Fund AF, Urgent Action Fund, Indigenous Information Network, Bread for the World, Misereor, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, American Jewish World Service, Siemenpuu, Green Livelihoods Alliance (through WECF), EPN Packard, Mobius/HAAF, and the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
List of Abbreviations
AFR100 – African Forest Restoration Initiative
BRI – Belt and Road Initiative
CBD – Convention on Biological Diversity
CBDA – Convention on Biological Diversity Alliance
CLARA – Climate Land Ambition and Rights Alliance
COP – Conference of the Parties
CORSIA – Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
ETI – Extractive Industries, Tourism and Infrastructure
FARN – Natural Resources and Environment Foundation
FECOFUN – Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal
GBF – Global Biodiversity Framework
GCF – Green Climate Fund
GFC – Global Forest Coalition
GJ&F – Gender Justice and Forests
GLA – Green Livelihoods Alliance
GTP – Gender Technical Partner
HLPF – High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
IPLCs – Indigenous Peoples and local communities
LAC – Latin America and the Caribbean
MEP – Monitoring, Evaluation and Planning
NbS – Nature-based solutions
NGO – Non-governmental organisation
SHHELS – Shifting to Healthy, Humane, and Equitable Livestock Systems Coalition
S3F – Stop Financing Factory Farming Coalition
SBI – Subsidiary Body for Implementation
TNCs – Transnational corporations
UN-CBD – United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
WECF – Women Engage for a Common Future
Download the 2022 GFC Annual Report to see financial information, the full list of our staff and board, and more.