Webinar on Gender Justice and Livestock Farming for the Launch of Forest Cover 66

Come join us for a webinar in celebration of the launch of Forest Cover 66: Gender Justice and Livestock Farming on Wednesday, February 16th at 12:30pm UTC (7:30 New York, 13:30 Amsterdam, 17:30 Sri Lanka) to interact with experts and on-the-ground activists who are engaged in a feminist analysis of policy-making on forests and livestock. Speakers include authors of the report such as Merel Van der Mark of Sinergia Animal, Dennis Mombauer of SYLCAN trust Sri Lanka, representatives of National Forum for Advocacy Nepal, and more.
Forests remain under threat around the world, as we were reminded during COP26 with the Glasgow Declaration pledging to end deforestation by 2030–ten years after the target set out in the Sustainable Development Goals. Forest loss is driven by agricultural expansion, including in particular industrial meat and soy production. This affects us all, but women bear the impacts of forest loss disproportionately, and especially those in Indigenous, poor and marginalised communities. Women in all their diversity also play important roles in forest conservation and sustainable food production, and must therefore be central to climate mitigation and biodiversity conservation efforts.
This issue of Forest Cover offers feminist perspectives on policies that promote unsustainable livestock and feedstock farming and also those designed to address the impacts of these sectors. It consists of case studies and articles that explore national and international contexts and the implications of policies for women and their communities, and assess to what extent they contribute to — or prevent — the achievement of gender justice.
You can read the report in English here, and in French and Spanish on the day of the event.
Register now to be part of the event.
We hope to see you there. Please share this invitation with colleagues and friends.