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First Impressions from the Preparatory Meetings for Rio+20

4 Apr, 2012

Returning from the UN headquarters in New York, after attending the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, informal- informal consultations from 17-23 March followed by the 3rd intersessional preparatory meetings from 26-27 March. The meetings, which focus on sustainable development and serve as the preparatory phase before to the Rio+20 Summit in Rio de Janerio in June 2012, place special attention on ‘the green economy’ and poverty eradication, and the institutional framework for sustainable development. This summit dates back to …

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Confused Climate Solutions (CCS)

6 Dec, 2011

Durban, South Africa – If ordinary people are struggling to understand what is going on in the COP17 Climate Change negotiations in Durban, they should not feel too bad as…

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COP17 for Dummies

2 Dec, 2011

Durban, South Africa – Around 16,000 people have gathered this year at the Convention Center in Durban to discuss around the climate change problematic, or at least, that is what most…

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The Luna talks?

10 Dec, 2010

About REDD, LULUCF and Luna-talks By Simone Lovera, Sobrevivencia-Paraguay and Global Forest Coalition   Of course, when we arrived in Cancun and realized that the meeting venues were called Cancun…

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