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Extractive industries, tourism and infrastructure

Community-led versus mass tourism: What are the implications for forests and communities?

10 Jun, 2021

The tourism sector has been impacted more than most during the pandemic, with whole countries locked down and many people losing their jobs or having to work in more dangerous conditions than ever. Arguably, now is a good time to reexamine the impacts of tourism globally, to imagine the ways in which it could be altered for the good of people and the planet. This new report in our Forest Cover series highlights specific, local and national-level examples of tourism …

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Webinar: Impacts of tourism

30 Oct, 2020

This webinar focused on the impacts of tourism and includes short presentations from GFC member groups where they explore both the impacts of mass tourism projects on forests and communities,…

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ЛЕСНОЕ ОБОЗРЕНИЕ 60: Как Инициатива «Пояс и путь» влияет на женщин и леса?

18 Dec, 2019

 Это издание журнала Forest Cover посвящено Инициативе по поясу и пути (BRI). BRI - это стратегия глобального развития правительства Китая, направленная на восстановление старого Шелкового пути, связывающего Китай с Азией…

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