The #Women2030 project is being implemented in 52 countries across different regions of the world. It is lead by a coalition of 5 women and gender network organisations collaborating to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a gender-equitable and climate-just way.
Capacity-building projects in DRC and Kenya show the importance of women’s rights to protecting communities and ecosystems Despite the challenges that the pandemic has brought, over the past year GFC member groups have continued their on-the-ground work to support Indigenous communities and women’s rights groups to conserve their forests. On International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples we’re highlighting the work of the Indigenous Information Network (IIN) in Kenya and the Programme Intégré pour le Développement du Peuple Pygmée (PIDP-Kivu) …
We are proud to present a collection of creative stories created through a participatory storytelling evaluation of the Women2030 program, which features stories from two GFC member groups: FECOFUN in…
On the 4th and 5th of March 2021, Women2030 coalition and country partners gathered virtually to celebrate the end of the Women2030 program, which was funded over the last five…
by Jeanette Sequeira (Global Forest Coalition) and Audrey Ledanois (Women Engage for a Common Future) This year, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25th…
Feminist findings and recommendations for achieving Agenda 2030 This global shadow report aims to capture the inspiring and diverse range of work that has taken place through the Women2030 programme…
July 8, 2020 — A report released today sheds light on gender equality in Latin America through community-based assessments in five countries, suggesting that a significant gap remains between progress…
World leaders have gathered virtually for this year’s edition of the UN’s High-Level Political Forum. Top on the agenda is assessing how progress is being made globally to achieve gender…
by Juana Vera Delgado, Global Forest Coalition (Русский ниже) Assessing progress on gender equality and the impacts of COVID-19 are top on the agenda at the UN’s High-Level Political Forum…
[Русская версия] Last week, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) negotiations in Rome aimed to set out a global biodiversity framework for the coming decades. The sheer scale of the challenges…
This edition of Forest Cover focuses on the Belt Road Initiative (BRI). BRI is the Chinese government’s global development strategy to revitalise the old Silk Road, linking China with Asia…
On International Day of #RuralWomen we celebrated the crucial role that rural women and girls play in contributing to securing land rights, livelihoods and food sovereignty, as well as building…