A Quarter of a Century of Struggles for Climate Justice: Lessons Learned and Strategies for the Future

A Quarter of a Century of Struggles for Climate Justice: Lessons Learned and Strategies for the Future
We want to bring together a set of international climate justice organizations and networks, to review the effectiveness, achievements and deficiencies of the different strategies and approaches that climate justice networks have developed, including resistance, mobilizations and political advocacy in different levels (local-territories, national-governments, global-UNFCCC), intersectional articulations and north-south relations, and other areas of action; and generate a common framework of objectives and strategies to act in the future. The activity consists of an initial panel with presentations from the different participating networks, and then a participatory space to make a diagnosis of past strategies and proposals for the future.
More information: https://cop26coalition.org/peoples-summit/a-quarter-of-a-century-of-struggles-for-climate-justice-lessons-learned-and-strategies-for-the-future-2/
- Asad Rehman – DCJ
- Maureen Santos – GFC
- Mariel Vilella/Christie Keith – GAIA
- Eduardo Giesen/Ivonne Yanez – PLACJC