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International Day of Action for Climate Justice

7 Dec, 2010

Press release – La Via Campesina See the full list of actions around the world (Cancun, 7 December 2010) Thousands of people affected by and concerned for the destruction of the environment, farmers, landless peasants, indigenous people and activists of all social sectors will take to the streets in Cancun as well as in other parts of the world as part of La Via Campesina’s Global Day of Action for Climate Justice on December 7. This march which will take …

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Intervention on CDM

6 Dec, 2010

Intervention on CDM in the CMP, by Fiu Elisara Delivered at the CMP plenary at the UNFCCC COP16 in Cancun, Mexico December 1, 2010   Fellow humans,   Much of…

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CJN! Intervention at SBI

6 Dec, 2010

Climate Justice Now Intervention at the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), at item 8, on technology transfer Delivered by Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group — Thank you Chair.  I will speak…

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Climate Justice Research on REDD & REDD+

6 Dec, 2010

Dartmouth College Climate Justice Research Project CLIMATE JUSTICE RESEARCH PROJECT SCHOLARLY NOTE REDD & REDD+1 Agreement between Parties on supporting Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) projects is often…

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Biofuels – a Failure for Africa

3 Dec, 2010

PRESS RELEASE- Thursday 2 December 2010 African Biodiversity Network, The Gaia Foundation Biofuels are failing Africa, in contrast to the many promises that fuelled their growth, a new report from…

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Biofuelwatch in Cancun

3 Dec, 2010

Massively increasing demand for “biomass” is resulting in land grabs and expansion of destructive industrial monocultures at the expense of forests, biodiversity and food production.  Deepak Rughani and Rachel Smolker…

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