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New briefing paper | “The Devil’s Totality”: Paraguay’s Struggle Against Agribusiness and Monoculture

16 Oct, 2023

 We marked September 21, the International Day of Struggle against Monoculture Tree Plantations, with a webinar and discussion titled ‘In the Shadow of Monoculture Plantations’, which delved deep into the havoc that monoculture plantations are wreaking on the human rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities around the globe, as well as their harrowing impacts on biodiversity and water sources. We also discussed how so-called climate and green finance is contributing to the expansion of these harmful schemes, and why …

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Get to know the Belém Declaration

11 Aug, 2023

Leaders from State Parties involved in the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT) convened in the Brazilian city of Belém for a two-day conference. The primary objective was to forge an agreement…

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