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Industry Hype & Misdirected Science Undercuts Real Energy/Climate Solutions Genetically Engineering Poplars for Paper and Biofuels Condemned

10 Apr, 2014

(cross-posted) – Biofuelwatch, Center for Food Safety, Global Justice Ecology Project, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  –  9 APRIL 2014 Washington, DC–Scientists and environmentalists today condemned a recent press release by researchers at the University of British Columbia announcing they have created genetically engineered (GE) poplar trees for paper and biofuel production, opening the prospect of growing these GE trees like an agricultural crop in the future. [1] The poplars were genetically engineered for altered lignin composition to allegedly …

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Exhibition on Green Land Grabbing Launched

21 Mar, 2014

On the occasion of International Forest Day, the Global Forest Coalition [1] in collaboration with Critical Information Collective [2], Global Justice Ecology Project [3], and Langelle Photography [4], launched an…

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A Pathetic REDD Package

4 Dec, 2013

On 12 November 2013, the Global Forest Coalition made the following intervention during the negotiations in Warsaw on methodologies to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and enhance forest…

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