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GFC in the news

Green groups urge FAO to change “misleading” forest definition

21 Mar, 2017

On 21 March, the International Day of Forests, 200 organizations have petitioned the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) stating that its forest definition dating back to 1948 is “misleading” and must be changed. According to the petition signatories, the FAO definition has allowed the plantations industry to hide the “devastating ecological and social impacts of large-scale monoculture tree plantations” behind a positive forest image. Read the original article here

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La tecnología del exterminio

8 Jan, 2017

Biología sintética, “Genes Drives” o “impulsores genéticos” Las diversas formas de vida que conocemos sobre el planeta tierra vienen evolucionando desde hace 4.000 millones de años. El homo sapiens surgió…

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