Struggle against industrial livestock and feedstock production; Support for small farmer agroecology

December 9, 14:50-16:20
Co-organizers: Global Forest Coalition, La Via Campesina, Brighter Green, Friends of Siberian Forests and Confederation Paysanne
Venue: Centquatre Paris Salle 200
The industrial livestock and feedstock industry has negative impacts on climate change, and a key agent of deforestation. It also displaces small farmers, grabbing their land, pesticide spraying caused numerous deaths in communities. Small farmers globally are struggling against the industrial food system and fighting for peasant agroeclogy and food sovereignty as proposed by La Via Campesina
Representatives from affected communities, small farmers, social movements, impacted and struggling against industrial livestock and feedstock production will present testimonies including with photographic evidence and also creative campaigns from consumer countries. This activity will contribute to visualize peasant agroecology and food sovereignt as true solutions to the climate crisis.