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GFC Posters for the World Forestry Congress 2015

Here are Global Forest Coalition’s posters that we have submitted for exhibit at the XIV World Forestry Congress that will take place from 7 – 11 September in Durban, South Africa. The poster highlights the scope of the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI), livestock and bioenergy issues.


CCRI poster:

You can download the poster here
ccri poster sneakpeek

Livestock poster:

You can download the poster here
livestock poster ccri sneakpeek

Bionergy poster:

You can download the poster here
ccri community conservation resilience initiative livestock bioenergy poster

It is our greatest hope that you can also use these posters for your work to share, disseminate or print as needed.

25 Aug, 2015
Posted in Unsustainable Livestock Production, Forests and Climate Change, community conservation resilience initiative