Roles, rights and needs of women in community conservation and how to enhance them within the SDG framework

The United Nations Environment Program, has recently obtained universal membership, meaning that all 196 members states of the United Nations participate in its governance and programs. Every 2 years, UNEP hosts the United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA), a sort of General Assembly meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya, where global environmental governance issues are addressed through resolutions proposed by member states for adoption. UNEA provides a good platform to plan and review the implementation of the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ahead of the High Level Political Forum.
Since 2005, UNEP has adopted the Major Group and Stakeholder format to ensure diverse civil society engagement. The Women’s Major Group at UNEP, is co-facilitated by two organisations, currently the Global Forest Coalition and the Niger Delta Women’s Movement for Peace and Development, supported by regional and global partners from APWLD, SOROPTIMISTS, WECF, WOCAN, etc. There is a close cooperation between WMG at UNEP, and the WMG for the 2030 Agenda, in particular where the Sustainable Development Goals are concerned.
When/Where: Green Room, UNEP Headquarters Gigiri – Nairobi, Kenya/May 27th 11am
About the side event: The event will present preliminary results of the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) which has faciitated a bottom-up participatory assessment by over 30 communities from 10 different countries of the resilience of their conservation initiatives. The event will highlight the role of women in such initiatives, and the different connections with successful SDGs realization, including Goal 5 on Gender Equality, and Goals 14 and 15 on biodiversity conservation. The event will also compare market-based approaches with non-market based approaches to address the threats to community conservation initiatives, and the differentiated impacts on women and indigenous peoples.
Moderator, speakers: Simone Lovera, Isis Alvarez (Colombia), Jeanette Sequeira (India/Australia), Edna Kaptoyo (Kenya), Caroline Usikpedo (Nigeria)