CBD SBI 4 Side event: Will biodiversity offsets and credits help us achieve the global biodiversity targets?
Join us for an SBI-04 Side Event
Date | Monday 2024.05.27 @ 13:15 Add to CalendarJoin online here: https://zoom.us/j/2777115972?omn=92921250470 |
In target 19 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, biodiversity offsets and credits are listed as innovative schemes to be stimulated to increase the level of financial resources to implement national biodiversity strategies and action plans.
This side event will convene experts from indigenous, women, youth organizations and civil society implementing conservation and restoration activities on the ground, to assess and discuss the effectiveness and risks of these schemes. The discussion will draw upon lessons learned from the carbon markets, voluntary schemes on biodiversity offsets and credits and projects implemented around the world.
Room | CR-9 – Africa 2nd floor Capacity: 80 people |
Click here to follow online: https://zoom.us/j/2777115972?omn=92921250470