Webinar: The Role of Development Banks in Big Livestock & Impacts on People & Forests

Join us on 27 October at 2 pm UTC (4 pm Amsterdam / 10 am New York) for a webinar on:
The Role of Development Banks in Big Livestock & Impacts on People & Forests
Register now to join this webinar!
Interpretation in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French
Development banks play an outsized role in supporting the industrial livestock industry around the world, which is a major cause of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, deforestation, water depletion, and air and water contamination. This industry does the most harm to women, low-income communities, and Indigenous peoples. Intensive livestock production also causes tremendous animal suffering and increases the risk of antibiotic resistance and new pandemics.
Under the guise of “development,” the public banks are financing giant meat companies like Minerva and Smithfield. In the past 10 years, the top five development banks have poured a staggering $4.5 billion into big meat companies in Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, China, Vietnam, and Kenya. The World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) is the largest public investor in the industrial livestock sector, having sunk more than $2.2 billion into giant livestock corporations globally. The fastest-growing investor in this sector is the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which has provided $500m annually since 2018.
The banks claim that investments in factory farming fuel job creation and help feed the world, but in reality, these loans drive climate change and biodiversity loss, heighten consolidation, undermine food sovereignty, destroy the livelihoods of small farmers and Indigenous people, and cause animal suffering.
A global campaign by a coalition of groups was launched in 2021 to shift public development finance away from industrial agriculture towards more sustainable food production. Initially, targeting the IFC/World Bank and the leading regional development banks (IDB Invest, Asia Development Bank, Africa Development Bank, and European Investment Bank).
This workshop is organized by the Global Forest Coalition (GFC) as a common effort among the seven groups that are leading the campaign: the Bank Information Center, Feedback Global, Friends of the Earth U.S., the Global Forest Coalition, Sinergia Animal, International Accountability Project, and World Animal Protection.
We invite you to join our efforts to #StopFundingFactoryFarming and promote better engagement among partners in the Global South to ensure their voices are adequately reflected in this campaign. That information shared by the campaign seeks to allow effective participation in all of the activities we aim to achieve.
Register to join and please share this with your networks! tiny.cc/livestockbanks
27 Outubro 2 pm UTC (11:00 am São Paulo)
O papel dos bancos de desenvolvimento nos grandes pecuários e implicações para as pessoas e florestas
Junte-se a nós para aprender sobre os impactos da agricultura industrial e como esta é apoiada por instituições financeiras internacionais. Saiba como aderir à nossa campanha para exigir que #ParemDeFinanciarAPecuáriaIndustrial
ligação de registo: tiny.cc/livestockbanks