Webinar: Tourism, forests and communities

The Global Forest Coalition’s Extractive Industries, Tourism and Infrastructure (ETI) campaign held its first webinar on the impacts of tourism. Short presentations from GFC member groups explored both the impacts of mass tourism projects on forests and communities, and the contribution of community-based tourism to sustaining livelihoods, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The webinar was held in English with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish, French and Russian.
You can watch a recording of the webinar here.
Agenda and presenters:
- Moderator: Kaisha Atakhanova, Kazakhstan
- Introduction: Hemantha Withanage, CEJ, Sri Lanka (view presentation)
- Presenters:
- Anatoly Lebedev, BROC, Russia
- Neymatullo Safarov, Noosfera, Tajikistan (view presentation)
- Dil Raj Khanal, FECOFUN, Nepal
- Devjit Nandi, Navrachna, India
- John Ciza, FCPEEP, DRC (view presentation)
- Rodrigue Gehot, CEDENMA, Equador (view presentation)
- Q&A and discussion
- Conclusions