CCRI Regional Workshop-Russia

Key speakers: Anatoly Lebedev, Pavel Sulyandziga (UN Working Group on Business & Human Rights) and Nadezhda Selyuk (Vice Chair PrimoryeAssociation of indigenous people)
The CCRI process in Russia focuses on indigenous communities in the Far East of Russia. 3 localized indigenous communities of Udege Indigenous Peoples in Primorsky region of the Russian Far East have been selected. The Iman community has the best infrastructure and accessibility (400 km from Vladivostok), but also faces significant conflicts between territorial stakeholders (logging, a national park that has been imposed on the community, intense hunting) and a weak capacity of the indigenous community, dissolved among set ot remote settlements. The Bikin community has a problematic accessibility (600 km from Vladivostok, including 120 km of bad road), but it is the most organized and strongest in terms of traditional management systems, although it feels endangered by the creation of the World Heritage Site “Central Sikhote-Alin” which might cause a loss of their traditional, free and non-controlled, resource use rights. The Samarga community is the least accessible by infrastructure (700 km far by helicopter or airplane only). It is in the process of creating an ICCA type protected territory under long term agreement between logging leaser, udege community and environmental NGOs including BROC.
Day 1 – July 26, Sunday : car ride from Vladivostok and other locations of indigenous leaders to the places for stay overnight around (generally hotel in Dalnerechensk town, 75 km fm Novopokrovka, 370 km fm Vladivostok, 250 km fm Krasny Yar, 350 km fm Terney). Reserve hosting designated in Roschino – 25 km fm Novopokrovka. Basic ride time from Vladivostok is 5-6 hours, about the same from Krasny Yar and from Terney – that was the reason to select this middle point on the area.
Day 2 – July 27, Monday: meeting in municipal administration hall.
- 10-00 – Opening word by Anatoly Lebedev, national coordinator of the project
- 10-15 – CCRI Project presentation by Simone Lovera, GFC, (Laletin translate)
- 10-30 – Presentation on current indigenous issues from Primorye Administration
(Alexander Rolik, Deputy Governor)
- 10-45 – Presentation on the global indigenous issues by Pavel Sulyandziga (UN)
- 11-15 – Basic overview of traditional resource use models and gaps for indigenous communes in Primorye – by Vadim Turayev (optional – some official from RFE Representative or Primorye Adminstration)
- 12-00 – brake
- 12-30 – Discussion: Resilience opportunities for Samarga community (dialogue with FSC certified logging company and environmental community, hunting and fishing practice and strategies)
- 14-30 – lunch (local restaurant in Novopokrovka)
- 15-30 – Discussion: Resilience opportunities for Bikin community under the process of creation national park, in comparison with existing hunting and NTFP
lease and carbon project (Germany) for commune “Tiger”.
- 18–30 – riding for dinner, hotels and accommodation to stay overnight
Day 3, July 28, Tuesday.
- 10-00 – Discussion: Resilience opportunities for Iman community in accordance to existing National park “Udege Legend”, intense legal and illegal logging and poaching on the area, diversity of existing tribal communes.
- 13-30 – lunch (local restaurant in Novopokrovka)
- 14-30 – excursion for coordinating group of CCRI Project to Roschino (National park headquarters and museum, 25 km) and Vostretzovo (commune “Taiga”, private udege museum of Raisa Andreitzeva), meeting in municipal NTFP harvesting enterprise.
- 18-30 – riding for dinner and hotels to stay overnight
Day 4, July 29, Wednesday
- 09-00 – Excursion for coordinating group of CCRI project by river ferry to Dalnii Kut (commune “Taiga”), Ostrovnoe point (death udege village) and Dersu town of old believers from Uruguai and Brazil.
- 14-00 – lunch in Roschino
- 15-00 – ride back to Vladivostok
- 20-00 – checking in the city hotel and dinner
Day 5, July 30, Thursday
- 10-00 – whole day boating voyage around Peter The Great Gulf, Russian Island, visiting swimming beaches, free discussion and snack aboard the boat.
- 17-00 – short m-bus excursion over the city, bridges, Federal University, etc.
- 19-00 – farewell dinner in restaurant.
Day 6, July 31, Friday
- 10-00 – Check out and ride to airport
Optional: in case our guests have one extra day before departure:
Day 4, July 29, Wednesday
- 15-00 – ride to the private farm of BROC member Yurii Kostin 25 km far from Dalnerechensk (town of our hotel), to watch perfect bee keeping and fish cultivating farm, experience honey based alcohol drink, fish, swim in pools and talk about local forests and problems. Stay overnight on the farm in the guest houses.
Day 5, July 30, Thursday
- 09-00 – breakfast on the farm
- 10-00 – ride back to Vladivostok
- 15-00 – checking into hotel, lunch
- 16-00 – walking around downtown, visiting souvenir shops, museums, art galleries, historic sites etc.
- 19-00 – meeting with Anatoly’s family
Day 6, July 31, Friday
- 10-00 – whole day boating voyage around Peter The Great Gulf, Russian Island, visiting swimming beaches, free discussion and snack aboard the boat.
- 17-00 – short m-bus excursion over the city, bridges, Federal University, etc.
- 19-00 – farewell dinner in restaurant
Day 7, August 1, Saturday
- 10-00 – check out and departure to airport