CCRI Capacity Building Workshop – Nepal

A day and half capacity building workshop will take place in Hotel Summit in Kathmandu on June 24 – 25, 2016 to introduce the community conservation resilience methodology and the gender toolkit to local communities and partners participating in the CCRI in Nepal. The aim of the workshop is to assist the community to tailor the CCRI methodology to their local context, so that community members are able to identify the challenges and threats of their community conservation initiatives. The workshop also seeks to highlight the collective actions of indigenous peoples and local communities, including women, and strengthen the support they require for the recognition of the community initiatives to biodiversity conservation. The national workshop will bring together representatives from the government, local communities and women from Barandavara corridor, Panchase forest and the Basanta corridor, and other stakeholders. The workshop will include presentations and interactive sessions focusing on community conservation, particularly sharing experiences and aspirations on the governance and management of the buffer zones of protected areas in the three selected CCRI sites
The workshop is organized by GFC’s CCRI partner Federation of Community Forest Users Groups Nepal (FECOFUN)
For more information please contact:
Dil Raj Khanal (FECOFUN):
Mrinalini Rai (GFC):
The Harpan watershed, Panchase forest in Nepal (Photo credit: UNDP Nepal)